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WANTED: Brownfield sites

WANTED: Brownfield sites

Saturday 14 September 2024

WANTED: Brownfield sites

Saturday 14 September 2024

Having already asked for greenfield sites that could be built on, the DPA now wants you to point out brownfield sites that are similarly ripe for development.

It's part of the Development & Planning Authority's (DPA) wider work to review the Island Development Plan (IDP).

The opening round of consultation on changes to the IDP led to so many comments being submitted that the DPA has already said it is unlikely that any changes to the IDP will go to the States before this time next year.

But they're pushing ahead with the work with this latest 'Call for Sites', specifically focused on any additional brownfield sites that haven't already been pointed out to them. 

Brownfield land is a site previously developed for industrial or commercial purposes and thus requires further development before reuse (Wikipedia)

DPA President, Deputy Victoria Oliver said this will help inform the IDP review too.

“We are currently reviewing all brownfield sites that have already been suggested and where appropriate are challenging their availability for inclusion within the Island Development Plan," she said.

"Feedback that we have received strongly suggests that there are further such sites for us to consider. Therefore, to support the review, the Authority is issuing this invitation for islanders to submit their suggestions.”

Deputy Victoria Oliver

Pictured: Deputy Victoria Oliver.

The DPA wants to hear from residents, landowners, and organisations, with suggestions for suitable brownfield land that's a minimum size of 0.6 vergée (0.25 acres or 0.1 hectares) that is available and suitable for development for at least five properties.

Specifically, the DPA said it wants to find sites for Affordable Housing with a proportion of Private Market housing also possible, over the next five years to meet the island’s housing needs.

Proposed brownfield sites must meet certain criteria including being within or adjacent to the existing Main or Local Centres.

Any sites which were submitted during the prior call for sites do not need to be resubmitted. 

New sites should be submitted by 4 October with a map showing the boundary of the site, and with written authorisation from the landowner(s) if required.

The upload form is HERE.


DPA confirms new 2025 deadline

IDP review extension granted

Hundreds of opinions shared on IDP Review

DPA's review of IDP 'flawed' according to Deputy


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