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Under 18s illegally gambling during Christmas Lottery

Under 18s illegally gambling during Christmas Lottery

Monday 22 January 2024

Under 18s illegally gambling during Christmas Lottery

Monday 22 January 2024

A newly published report has shown that people in Guernsey gamble more than in other jurisdictions, and the highest ‘gambling activity’ historically is the Christmas Lottery, with people under the legal age of 18 taking part.

A pre-pandemic Health Impact Assessment paints a dire picture of the island’s gambling trends, suggesting that 79.9% of Guernsey respondents gamble, compared to 57% in Great Britain.

“Research has shown that recreational gamblers are more likely to report poor physical and mental health and increased risk of health risk behaviours such as nicotine dependence, alcohol use disorder and substance use,” said the States of Guernsey.  

“From a Bailiwick perspective further evidence was needed to, a) understand the prevalence and types of gambling in Guernsey; b) assess the impact on health and wellbeing, and c) assess support available for at-risk and problem gamblers.” 

The research into Guernsey’s gambling habits was carried out between September 2019 and February 2020. 

“It is my view that pandemic pressures and the ongoing economic challenges that have followed are likely, if anything, to have worsened or exacerbated the trends that were detected in 2019/2020. Hence, we can think of the findings as the minimum extent of the issues affecting Guernsey residents in 2024 and beyond,” said the Director of Public Health, Dr Nicola Brink. 

The HIA provides the following key findings, among others: 

  • The highest gambling activity was the Channel Islands Christmas Lottery (with 67.5% having participated including some below the legal age limit of 18);  

  • The second highest activity was purchase of scratch cards. This was an area where Guernsey gambling habits were found to differ starkly from comparison populations. 46.3% had purchased scratch cards in Guernsey, compared to 29.3% in Isle of Man and 21% in Great Britain — differences that are statistically significant. Analysis of scratch card revenue shows that sales of scratch cards have increased year on year and were higher in Guernsey than Jersey in every year since 2013 (data up to 2021). Scratch card use was found to be associated, more than any other gambling activity, with poor health indicators including poor general health, low mental wellbeing, living with excess weight/obesity, regular GP visits, mental health/counselling service attendance, poor diet, tobacco smoking, financial problems and violence perpetration. 

  • The gambling landscape is changing and gambling activity is notably different for younger and older people in Guernsey. In-game purchasing (e.g. of loot boxes) as well as scratch card use were identified via survey results and stakeholder feedback as areas of concern among young gamblers. Without intervention the 18.9% of at risk gamblers in the 18–24yrs group may become the problem gamblers of the future. 

You can find the full report ONLINE.

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