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Staff departures on the rise again

Staff departures on the rise again

Friday 29 April 2022

Staff departures on the rise again

Friday 29 April 2022

There has been an increase of nearly 50% in the number of teachers leaving States' secondary schools over the past 18 months.

As of this week, 31 teachers have left or are due to leave States' secondary schools in the current academic year. That is 16.6% of the total number of teachers in States' secondary schools.

In the academic year 2020/21, which included the island's second covid-19 lockdown, there were 29 teachers who left States' secondary schools - a departure rate of 13.6%.

In the academic year 2019/20, which included the island's first lockdown, there were 22 teachers who left States' secondary schools - a departure rate of 10.2%.

In percentage terms, the departure rate for this academic year so far is almost identical to departure rates in the years immediately before the pandemic hit the Bailiwick. 


Pictured: Figures released by the Committee for Education, Sport & Culture yesterday afternoon in reply to Rule 14 written questions from Deputy Gavin St Pier.

Teachers leaving States' secondary schools in the current academic year include six Deputy Headteachers or Assistant Headteachers. Two of the six are retiring; two are leaving education in Guernsey; and two are understood to be moving to one of the island's grant-aided colleges - Elizabeth College, Ladies' College or Blanchelande College. 

Appointments have been made to three of the six Deputy Headteacher or Assistant Headteacher posts and interviews will shortly take place for the three other posts. 

"A total of 14 expressions of interest were lodged and so there is a high level of confidence that these senior posts will be filled," said the President of the Committee, Deputy Andrea Dudley-Owen, in replies to Rule 14 written questions submitted by Deputy Gavin St Pier.

Deputy Andrea Dudley-Owen

Pictured: The Rule 14 questions were answered yesterday by Deputy Andrea Dudley-Owen, the President of the Committee for Education, Sport & Culture.

Deputy St Pier also asked about the reasons teachers have provided for leaving States' secondary schools.

Deputy Dudley-Owen said it was not possible to break down that information by school phase - primary, secondary or tertiary - but said that "across all school teacher leavers in the past five academic years, 24% left due to either retirement or the end of their contracts [and] the remainder were resignations". 


Pictured: Staff leaving States' schools are invited to complete an online exit survey about their experiences and reasons for leaving.

The Committee revealed that nearly one in five teachers in States' secondary schools is spending some time teaching outside their main subject area.

"It is common practice for many secondary school teachers to teach a proportion of their timetable in subjects other than their main specialism but in which they are competent to teach," said Deputy Dudley-Owen.

"At the present time, there are 31 secondary school teachers (16.8%) who are teaching beyond their first subject specialism for part of their timetable.

"The reasons for this will vary, but might include, for example: sickness or maternity cover; through choice due to an interest in, and aptitude for, another subject; or to ensure they have a full timetable."


Pictured: Staff in States' secondary schools currently await further news about plans for staffing a new model of education agreed by the States.

The Committee also said that staff in States' secondary schools would learn more during the current school term about future plans for staffing secondary education once it has been reorganised.

"This work is ongoing and nearing completion," said Deputy Dudley-Owen.

"Senior education officers, school leaders and human resources officers are working closely with union colleagues to finalise the engagement and implementation plans.

"It is intended that this information will be shared with staff in secondary schools this term."

The States' Assembly agreed last summer to delegate authority to the Policy & Resources Committee to approve capital expenditure of up to £105million on the reorganisation of secondary and further education, which is now expected to conclude by September 2025.

Deputy Gavin St Pier

Pictured: The Rule 14 questions were submitted by Deputy Gavin St Pier on 13 April.


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