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September States meeting cancelled

September States meeting cancelled

Thursday 29 August 2024

September States meeting cancelled

Thursday 29 August 2024

Another States meeting has been cancelled in Alderney with the President citing the small amount of "non-urgent items" on the agenda as the reason, while a politician claims the island is facing "major challenges" which need dealing with.

The decision to cancel the 18 September States meeting was made earlier this week - just under a month in advance.

In a statement, the President of the States of Alderney said: "As there are only a small number of non-urgent items for the September States Meeting, it has been decided that the Meeting will be cancelled."

William Tate offered his "apologies for any inconvenience caused" while adding that "the next Meeting of the States will be on the 16th of October, when in addition to the Billet items, Chief Pleas will be invited."

The Billet for the September meeting is not available online, and nor is one for the next meeting in October.

The cancellation of the September States meeting means that Alderney's government has not met in full since July. 

It has only met five times this year so far, with only two more meetings scheduled - in October and December. 

States Member Alex Snowdon has expressed concerns about the frequency with which the meetings are cancelled, writing on X that it is "disappointing to learn another States meeting is cancelled.

"We have major challenges for the island," he wrote.

Mr Snowdon has previously expressed concerns that decisions are being made by the Policy and Finance Committee rather than the States as a whole.

He has reiterated this in the wake of the September meeting being cancelled.

"More and more debate appears to be happening behind closed doors at P&F rather than in the Chamber. This must change in my opinion. Debate should be encouraged in the Chamber," he wrote on X.

There are 10 States Members in Alderney and the President.

Nine of the government members sit on Policy and Finance, including Mr Snowdon.

This means only one States Member - Derwent Smithurst - and the President, who is a civil servant, do not sit on P&F.

P&F meets every month except for August which means that it also hasn't sat as a government decision making body since July.

Its meetings are held in camera, along with other committee meetings, while the States meeting would be open to members of the public able to watch from the gallery.

A trial to open committee meetings up to the public in 2022 was not continued. 


"Wake up call" needed over governance and transparency

“Concerning move from the States of Alderney”

No April States Meeting in Alderney

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