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Second police video: “The officer’s handling was totally inappropriate”

Second police video: “The officer’s handling was totally inappropriate”

Tuesday 04 June 2024

Second police video: “The officer’s handling was totally inappropriate”

Tuesday 04 June 2024

Guernsey Police continue to come under increased public scrutiny following a second video being shared on social media, this time showing a man being pulled from his vehicle and arrested.

It comes just days after a video surfaced of a man being restrained by several officers in a cell, with concerns being raised about how the situation was handled.

Both videos were initially shared on Twitter and viewed thousands of times. They’ve since been shared on Facebook and it’s understood that they are being widely circulated via Whatsapp in the community. The videos have triggered hundreds of comments from the public, with responses ranging from outrage, to support for both the officers and the members of the public involved. 

“We received a complaint about this incident last year,” said a spokesperson for Guernsey Police, when speaking about the latest video. 

“When investigated by our Professional Standards Department through our internal disciplinary process, it was clear the officer’s handling of this incident did not meet the high standards Guernsey Police expect. The officer’s handling was totally inappropriate and has resulted in an action plan being put in place and the officer being closely monitored by supervisors.  

“It is worth noting it is because that officer filmed the incident on his bodycam that the officer’s actions could be appropriately addressed.” 

In the video a man is pulled from a car by a police officer, after being pulled over for allegedly not wearing his seatbelt. He is subsequently taken to the floor for not complying with the officer’s instructions. Pictures of injuries sustained by the man being arrested were also shared on social media. The video was captured on the officer's bodycam.

The police spokesperson said that sometimes officers “can get things wrong” and “Guernsey Police is no different to any other organisation in that regard”. 

“We also understand there is always significant public interest and scrutiny in the activity of a police service. This is one of those cases, and we have never sought to avoid the issues raised, or avoid taking appropriate action. 

“This incident is an example of us holding our officers to account when legitimate complaints are made. We have said we always investigate complaints and will take action where those complaints are upheld. This incident is further evidence of that approach. 

“Guernsey Police will always take the conduct of our officers very seriously, and would again like to assure the public that where wrongdoing is identified, appropriate action will always be taken. 

“It is worth noting that unlike previous videos shared on social media, this incident had already been investigated and the complaint upheld. 

Meanwhile, Guernsey Police are facing a series of fresh complaints, with details being shared with Express of several claims potentially heading to court. It has been confirmed that the cases are under consideration, but Guernsey Police have not provided any further comment. These come hot on the heels of a high-profile case where more than £250k was spent defending four claims brought against a number of officers.

As public discourse grows Express has reached out to Bailiwick Law Enforcement seeking an interview with the Chief of Police. 


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