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Media briefings "should not be overused"

Media briefings

Friday 07 May 2021

Media briefings "should not be overused"

Friday 07 May 2021

Media briefings "should not be overused", according to Guernsey's Chief Minister, however they could continue to be used for major States announcements in the future.

The States of Guernsey made use of digital media to relay information during both lockdowns and the live media briefing remains their communication tool of choice, while the Civil Contingencies Authority retains its 'emergency powers'.

The Head of the CCA and President of Policy & Resources, Deputy Peter Ferbrache, has been quizzed on the format by Deputy John Gollop. 

Deputy John Gollop

Pictured: Deputy John Gollop wanted to know how the CCA and P&R intends to use the format in the future.

Deputy Gollop asked the Chief Minister if we will continue to have live broadcast briefings on a regular basis.

“The frequency of the briefings have been reflective of need,” said Deputy Ferbrache. “They will continue to be a feature of the strategy for as long as needed.”

The CCA has also permitted ‘special edition’ broadcasts, which saw P&R live-stream the 2021 budget proposals late last year. Education, Sport and Culture has also been given permission to reveal its plans for the future of our secondary schools via media briefing later this month.

Deputy Ferbrache was asked if he thinks the format will be used to announce further important decisions in the future.

“It’ll depend on what the CCA thinks is relevant,” he responded. “I won’t make a commitment now on whether or not we’ll have any future ‘special editions’”.


Pictured: The CCA media briefings have hit viewing figures of 12,000 during some of their live announcements.

Deputy Ferbrache said the format should only be used for large announcements.

“It is important that the briefing medium should not be overused, so the public know that when a briefing is announced there’s a significant update for the community.”

When asked if other Committees might have access to the format for their own updates, Deputy Ferbrache simply answered, “yes”.

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