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People urged to support Market Building revitalisation

People urged to support Market Building revitalisation

Wednesday 05 September 2018

People urged to support Market Building revitalisation

Wednesday 05 September 2018

Building work for the much anticipated revitalisation of the Market is well underway with the new improved building and services planned to be fully operational by Spring 2019.

Developers say that public feedback and research have all pointed in the same direction, and taking this on board, they hope to create a vibrant venue with a mix of culture and retail space - fully embracing 'cafe culture' while still having traditional market stalls.

However they are keen to point out that the market side especially will only work if it is fully supported by the public.

"We have been told there is a big push to bring back an element of traditional market traders to the market and our new inner street layout will provide space for local produce and traders," Sonia Taylor, Director at Bailiwick Estates Ltd, said.

"However, the reason the market failed is because everyone changed the way they shopped, so if this is what people really want they have to support it as nobody is going to stand on a stall and sell one orange a day, it has to be viable."


Pictured: Artists impression of local stalls and mezzanine level for cultural exhibits.

Ms Taylor said the challenge will be to increase footfall for a full retail week: "We have been doing fresh Friday for seven years and that has a great atmosphere and is popular with street traders and street food. With the new layout offering spaces for up to eight retailers to occupy stalls long term, six days a week it is important they are supported as they will need to make a living. Stall tenants will have long-term leases and we want to encourage shopping habits to change again by this being a plastic free zone and people encouraged to bring their own containers when buying produce.

"Footfall is really important and we have been working closely with St Peter Port Constables to increase pedestrian safety. We are also creating a mezzannene level in the inner street for art exhibitions and as point of cultural interest. We see in other towns in the UK a culture of linger time and we think it is important to have a mix of things to entice people, we hope to create a Covent Garden feel."


Pictured: Inner street at the Market now.


Pictured: Work on the Pavilion.

At the heart of the new revitalisation is the most visible structure at present, which is the pavilion style structure to the side of the front of the building. Ms Taylor said they were really excited about the proprietors going in this area.

"It will be a drinks and eatery establishment not hidden away like the previous one was. We have had some quite strict building regulations to follow but it will be enclosed and wind and water tight.

"The previous kitchen has been separated off and the dumb waiters maintained to service a new food outlet in the inner street, which will include some fixed seating and a bar area. The new toilet facilities will be accessed from the inner street."

Talking about the time since the new market has been operational Ms Taylor said: "Over the last eight years we have been successful in making the market an area of St Peter Port that is visited again. With various attractions like fresh Friday, live music and festivals we have pulled the heart of town back this way.

"Now we want to make the building the place you want to go to by having the right mix of culture and retail. People socialise in cafe's and it is more widely accepted that people can work on their laptops in a cafe. We had a budget to work to with this renovation, it has not been cheap but it is an investment, and invest we must."

Pictured top: Work on the Pavilion eatery at the front of the Market.


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