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People 60% satisfied with the Revenue Service

People 60% satisfied with the Revenue Service

Thursday 04 April 2019

People 60% satisfied with the Revenue Service

Thursday 04 April 2019

In an effort to improve the service provided to customers at the States' Revenue Service, a survey has been carried out inviting feedback from customers.

Nearly 400 people took part, reflecting their experiences of using the service online, by phone and in person.

In October 2018, the income tax and social security contributions functions were combined into a single Revenue Service. This survey was then carried out over a six week period, beginning in November.

The results have highlighted a number of areas where improvements can be made, particularly with regard to the online service, and a number of changes are already being planned. Reportedly, the results will also serve as a baseline for future customer satisfaction surveys, allowing the service to measure the impact of improvements and better tailor it to suit customers’ needs.


Respondents were asked to score the service, in a number of areas, out of five, as well as provide individual comments.

The survey found:

  • Overall satisfaction averaged at 3.01 out of 5. 
  • 67% of customers who contacted the service achieved what they intended to do.
  • Satisfaction levels are higher for customers contacting the service by phone or in person, compared to by email or letter.
  • 60% of website customers described it as excellent or satisfactory
  • However 50% of customers who attempted to resolve their query online before contacting the service another way, were unable to find the information they needed.

The survey has already prompted a number of planned changes including:

  • Simplifying website content.
  • Adding more services online (including a change of employment service, which will launch in April 2019).
  • Clearer, quicker responses to customers.

Nicky Forshaw, Director of the Revenue Service, said: "Some of the findings in this survey have confirmed what we already believed, others have been a real eye-opener.  But all of it together will be incredibly useful in delivering the right improvements to the service, and ensuring customers remain at the heart of what we do. 

"Revenue Service has already been through big changes, having combined two previously separate services into a single function, but we do not want to stop there, the improvements need to keep coming."


The responses to this survey, help to highlight areas that the States of Guernsey aims to tackle more broadly this year. It said it was determined to put islanders first in all of its public services.  

Deputy Gavin St Pier, President of Policy & Resources, said: "It can sometimes be uncomfortable to receive feedback but doing so enables our service to be improved.  Whilst the survey highlights some areas for improvement in how we serve our customers, it is an area we are actively focussing on.  The steps proposed by the Revenue Service to simplify their website are welcome and align with our wider programme of significant step-change in service delivery through the use of technology, which Policy & Resources will be bringing to the States in the next few months."

The customer survey report can be found online at

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