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Passenger trapped after car landed on its side

Passenger trapped after car landed on its side

Monday 30 November 2020

Passenger trapped after car landed on its side

Monday 30 November 2020

A passenger was trapped inside a vehicle following a late night crash - however the driver is believed to have fled from the scene.

The crash happened at around 22:30 last night at Les Petites Capelles, St Sampson.

A silver Vauxhall Astra was in a single-car RTC which caused it to land on its side, trapping a passenger within the vehicle.

Serious damage was caused to properties along that road and police suspect that two other males - the driver and another passenger - were inside the vehicle.

Police want to speak to anyone who can provide a description of the driver or the other passenger and anyone who witnessed the crash. 

People with information should contact PC 123 Cusack on 725111 or call CrimeStoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. 

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