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Les Voies students receive national recognition

Les Voies students receive national recognition

Saturday 11 May 2024

Les Voies students receive national recognition

Saturday 11 May 2024

Five students from the island’s school for those with social, emotional, and mental health difficulties have received national awards for their respective progress in education, with their Headteacher expressing his pride in them all.

The Engage in their Future National Awards invites teachers across the UK to share outstanding accomplishments of pupils in nine categories, from stories of personal achievements to overcoming the odds.

There was an emotional response from Les Voies teachers who nominated the students and then saw them go on to be recognised and scoop the accolades. 

The awards were presented at a Manchester ceremony, with teachers, parents, carers, and the students present to collect their glass plaques on stage in front of an audience of approximately 200 people. The lunchtime ceremony was also livestreamed for peers watching along at Les Voies.  

Staff member Merrilee Tabel said attending the ceremony allowed the students to hear similar stories from across the UK of students also in special educational circumstances. 

16-year-old Jess Power brought home the platinum Outstanding Personal Progress award. She said she had “proved my old school wrong” by making huge improvements to her attendance record, gaining qualifications, and overcoming her past disillusionment with the education system. 

The silver Outstanding Resilience award went to Leighton Hicks (16). Ms Tabel said his seven-year journey at the school hasn’t been without challenges, but those have been overcome. 


Pictured: An example of an award.

Tom Chaddock (16) picked up the silver Leaver’s award. After initial fears he may have to be educated off-island, he moved from one-on-one lessons to being “fully integrated”, Ms Tabel said.

He’s now achieved horticulture qualifications at college and is going on to study IT.  

For becoming an island badminton champion, Drew Gauvain (16) was awarded the gold Sports student of the year plaque. He started the sport during the pandemic and has gone on to represent Guernsey at last summer’s Island Games and set up his own racket stringing business. 

Staff said he also coaches youngsters at the badminton club and is now “someone who’s looked up to” in those circles.

Mr Gauvin said his phone “blew up” with supportive messages from students after they witnessed him win the award on the livestream.  

And the gold Judge’s Choice award went to 15-year-old Lennon Hanley for making strides in building up his literary skills. His dad was reportedly very proud and secured a front row seat at the ceremony to guarantee clear pictures of the occasion. 

Headteacher Jonathan Furley said the awards highlighted “how successful our students can be and how hard they try”. 

The group of five had won plaudits in different categories, and it showed how their efforts can be recognised beyond Guernsey’s shores, he added. 

I’m hugely proud of them all,” said Mr Furley.  

Ex-students have also been recognised in previous years, and Mr Furley hopes pupils' achievements continue to be illuminated in the national spotlight in future.  

Pictured (top): L-R Leighton Hicks, Drew Gauvain, Jess Power, Tom Chaddock and Lennon Hanley. 

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