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Ladies’ College GCSE results “a testament” to student’s adaptability

Ladies’ College GCSE results “a testament” to student’s adaptability

Thursday 25 August 2022

Ladies’ College GCSE results “a testament” to student’s adaptability

Thursday 25 August 2022

As Ladies’ College celebrated a 100% pass rate, the school’s principal has said the students should be credited for success through “immense disruption and uncertainty”.

The private girl's school saw over 60 students sit GCSE examinations across 21 subjects with 74% achieving A*/A grades and 100% achieving A*-C. Pupils collected their results this morning.

“I’m incredibly proud of our girls for their achievements today. These students were just 13 years old when the first wave of Covid-19 struck, and they have had to manage their learning through immense disruption and uncertainty,” said Principal Daniele Harford-Fox.


Pictured: Ladies' College Principal, Daniele Harford-Fox, said she was "incredibly proud" of the results attained by the GCSE students.

Mrs Harford-Fox continued: “However, our students have responded brilliantly to these challenges and have built their independence and worked collaboratively with their teachers to achieve great success.

“Whilst many of us remember our early teenage years as being light-hearted and perhaps even carefree, that has not been the case for this cohort, and the maturity they have shown has been truly impressive.” 

Mrs Harford-Fox said that there was departmental successes to be celebrated, including a 95% A*/A rates in religious studies and statistics and 88% in English literature and design and technology.

“Particularly outstanding” and in line with being a Gold Award History School, 100% of the girls achieved an A*-A at History GCSE.


Pictured: Ladies' College students, Millie Vaudin (left) and Scarlett Sheppard want to pursue careers in medicine. 

Student Scarlett Sheppard was celebrating not only her results, but also her 16th birthday today. “I’ve been scared waiting for my results, but I did much better than I thought I had and I’m really happy,” she said.

“I am going to stay on at Ladies’ for my A-Levels, taking chemistry, biology and psychology. I’d like a career in medicine.”

Millie Vaudin and Bella Duquemin said they would also like careers in medicine.

“I’m going to be taking biology, chemistry and maths at Ladies’ for A-level. I’ve tried not to think about the GCSE results over the summer, but now that I’ve got them I’m really happy with my results,” said Miss Vaudin.


Pictured: Bella Duquemin said she would be celebrating her results by going to lunch and then the North Show. 

“I’ve been through a range of emotions from nervous to excited ahead of getting my results; I was really hoping to do well and I’m really happy now. I’ll be celebrating by going out to lunch and then to the North Show,” added Miss Duquemin.

Mrs Harford-Fox said that the students and teachers had adapted well to disruption caused by covid. “It has been a tough two years and their teachers have worked incredibly hard to help our students achieve these results,” she said.

“This is a great moment to thank the teachers, not just at The Ladies’ College, but across the island. Everybody had to change the way they worked during lockdown, but few have had to adapt their practice so fundamentally as teachers.

“Our students’ academic results today are a testament to how well they have adapted their learning style, but we are equally proud of the immense skills of resilience, flexibility and independence they have also demonstrated, skills that will stand them in great stead for both their A-Level studies and beyond.”


Pictured: Libby Farrell said she would be celebrating with "friends and pizza" after collecting her GCSE results this morning. 

Student Libby Farrell said that she had felt well-supported through the challenges of covid.

“A lot of our Year 10 lessons were done over Teams, but our teachers tried to keep everything as natural as possible for us. We were fully supported and that gave me confidence through my GCSEs,” she said.

“The build-up to getting these results has been a mix of emotions, but I’m so happy that all my hard work has paid off. I’ll be taking English literature, history and psychology at A-Level and I’d like to eventually pursue a career in family law.”

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