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Koi Koi deposits “will be paid”

Koi Koi deposits “will be paid”

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Koi Koi deposits “will be paid”

Wednesday 22 May 2024

The owner of Koi Koi will be repaying five customers their deposits, after the restaurant was recently and abruptly closed down.

It comes after concerns were raised on social media about deposits being paid and the restaurant closing without notice.

Express revealed earlier this year that Koi Koi and its sister eatery Koi Koi Express suddenly stopped operating in St Peter Port, with signage, social media, contact details and other online domains disappearing. 

One of the Koi Koi buildings has since gone up for sale. 

Express reached out to the owner of Koi Koi, Dom Watson, for clarification on the closure and the deposits paid to the business. 

“There are approximately £1850 in deposits owed,” he told Express. “These will be paid.”  

“I will place contact details on our website for the five affected customers to be able to contact me to obtain the refunds. 

“It has not been an easy task, closing Koi Koi... it really was a last minute [decision], not like the social media posts have said, which, quite frankly, is another reason why I [have chosen] to leave the island. 

"Six years of my life went into that business. It has taken me 20 days to really reflect on my life and try to figure out what I will do next.” 

He said he will put out a statement on Koi Koi’s website – which remains offline - “in due course”. 

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