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Independent Chair appointed pan-island to ensure effective safeguarding

Independent Chair appointed pan-island to ensure effective safeguarding

Saturday 24 February 2024

Independent Chair appointed pan-island to ensure effective safeguarding

Saturday 24 February 2024

David Goosey will lead safeguarding arrangements across Guernsey, Alderey and Jersey.

He has been appointed as the Pan-Island Independent Chair in a role that helps protect children and vulnerable adults from harm.

"I am delighted to have been appointed as the Pan-Island Independent Chair for Children and Adults Safeguarding Boards," he said.

"Protecting children and adults at risk from harm is a fundamental requirement for states in the 21st Century and I'm looking forward to working across the Channel Islands to ensure safeguarding arrangements are as effective as possible."

Mr Goosey is currently the chair of Berkshire West Safeguarding Children Partnership, Portsmouth Safeguarding Adults Board and an Independent Scrutineer for Lewisham Safeguarding Children Partnership and North and West Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Partnership.

Policy & Resources President Lyndon Trott said: "The Pan-Island Independent Chair is an asset to both islands and is another excellent example of how Guernsey and Jersey come together to ensure appropriate challenge and scrutiny is in place, to support the safety and wellbeing of islanders."

Deputy Mary Le Hegarat, Jersey's Minister for Justice and Home Affairs, said: "Safeguarding both children and adults is of the greatest importance and it is essential this is reflected at the highest levels across the islands.

"Such a position requires a person with exceptional skills in this area and David's extensive experience makes him the ideal candidate ensure this work has the focus it needs. There must be a continued commitment to ensuring the interests and voices of children, young people and adults who are potentially at risk are represented at the highest levels is essential."

The Independent Chair will be required to provide services for a minimum of 27 days per year in each of Jersey and Guernsey.

The initial contract is for two years and will be subject to a review after six months.

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