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The hospital in Lviv, being helped by charities

The hospital in Lviv, being helped by charities

Thursday 09 March 2023

The hospital in Lviv, being helped by charities

Thursday 09 March 2023

A convoy of ambulances, including one driven by a Guernsey resident, is continuing to make its way towards Kyiv to deliver medical supplies to the capital of war-torn Ukraine.

The Medical Life Lines Ukraine team left London early on Sunday morning, arriving in Ukraine on Tuesday.

Ezra Machnikowski is one of the volunteers with charity Harrop HR Missions Ltd.

He's been behind the wheel of one of the ambulances being donated to medical teams in Ukraine.


Pictured: Ezra Machnikowski is driving through Ukraine.

"We’re all feeling great. We delivered two ambulances to Lviv and now we’re driving the remaining four to Kyiv," said Mr Machnikowski on Tuesday night during their brief stopover in Lviv - a city to the west of Ukraine.

"The hospital was delighted by our donations and kindly showed us round their facilities.

"They have a department specialising in rehabilitation. We saw young men walking around in the prosthetics section. It was very sad to see young men barely out of school having to walk with the aid of prosthetics and walking sticks."

The two ambulances donated to the hospital in Lviv were full of medical supplies too.


Pictured: Ezra Machnikowski who lives in Guernsey is currently driving an ambulance through Ukraine to deliver aid to a hospital in Kyiv.

The Multidisciplinary Clinical Hospital of Emergency and Intensive Care in Lviv, Ukraine, was not used to treating patients with such wounds before the Russian invasion of just over a year ago.

It is now a hub for the war-torn country with its staff's primary focus on treating injuries caused by explosions or other emergencies. This includes people who have lost limbs and other life changing injuries. 

The hospital is a part of a project called the Unbroken National Rehabilitation Center, which has seen a new raft of medical treatments introduced such as reconstructive surgery, prosthetics and psychological support as a result of the war. This is partly funded by Lviv's city council and the Ukraine Ministry of Health.

The aid mission which Mr Machnikowski and his fellow volunteers are on was organised by Harrop HR Missions Ltd which is supporting the work of Lviv's hospital by delivering it the two ambulances and the medical supplies.

The remaining six ambulances in the convoy are on their way to Kyiv.

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