The Committee for Home Affairs is looking for people to act as members on two Independent Panels: the Parole Review Committee and the Independent Custody Visitors.
The Parole Review Committee is the independent body that protects the public by making decisions in respect of prisoners applying for early release from prison.
Following consideration of reports from experienced professionals, members decide who may be considered safe to be released into the community on parole licence.
The Committee’s decisions are made in small teams or panels. The Committee is not made up of any one particular type of person, rather members are appointed for the qualities and experience they can bring to the role from their own lives.
"Making these kinds of decisions is never easy, but it is interesting and fulfilling," said a panel spokesman.
"We take every bit of information presented to us into account when assessing the risk presented by an offender. The role comes with a significant amount of responsibility too. We have to decide, on balance of the information given, whether the person in question is safe to release and whether the benefits of an extended period of supervision in the community outweigh the potential risk of reoffending."
The capability to express yourself clearly and concisely both orally and in writing is described as essential, as is the ability to draw out relevant information from reports. Knowledge of the criminal justice system and experience in risk assessment would be desirable, but isn’t essential. We are keen to recruit people who are interested in spending between 1 and 2 days a month undertaking this unique and important role.
Independent Custody Visitors are responsible for making unannounced visits to the Police and Guernsey Border Agency Custody Suites to observe, comment and report on the conditions of detention, the operation of the custody facilities and to ensure compliance under the relevant legislation. They ensure transparency and independent scrutiny of the detention process.
Reports completed provide an insight into the running of the custody areas and provide a vital source of information on the environmental and welfare conditions in which detainees are held and are carefully considered by the Senior Management Teams of the Police and Guernsey Border Agency.
"This role provides an opportunity for members of the public to provide independent scrutiny to ensure detainees are being treated fairly," said Senior ICV Member Peter Champion.
"The Bailiwick should have confidence in the way people are treated when in custody and I would urge anyone with an interest in seeing how the process works to consider applying. This is a crucial role which protects the rights and wellbeing of those being held, promotes the highest standards of Law Enforcement and provides reassurance to the general public."
This post would "suit individuals who have a desire to contribute to their local community and are able to volunteer on a flexible basis, including potentially unsocial hours". Support and guidance will be available from more experienced ICVs.
Home Affairs said it was seeking individuals from a range of backgrounds, and are keen to appoint diverse panels reflective of the local community. Successful applicants will be required to undertake an enhanced police check prior to appointment. Full training will be provided.
Anybody who is interested in either role or who wants to find out more information can contact Emily Grainger on 717359 or via email at for an information pack. The closing date for applications Friday 15 June 2018.
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