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Guernsey gears up for alternative transport week

Guernsey gears up for alternative transport week

Saturday 18 May 2024

Guernsey gears up for alternative transport week

Saturday 18 May 2024

Schools, businesses and charities are preparing to trade the car for a week of public or active alternatives.

Alternative Transport Week is a national initiative that has been imported into the Channel, and this year for the first time both Bailiwicks will be taken part simultaneously.

Investec like many other organisations has slowly been exposed to the world of e-bikes through colleague feedback through the grapevine. 

They’ve now partnered with Go Guernsey which on 17 May delivered a selection of e-bikes to staff to try out over the weekend and travel to work for ATW, with discounts later offered to anyone who wants to make the leap permanently. 

16 staff in Guernsey have taken up the offer, with a similar scheme already in place in Jersey. Cargo bikes have also been offered for those needing to do the school run before getting to the desk.  

Last year Philippa Nicolle, Head of People & Organisation, tried out an e-bike and decided to make the transition after colleagues brought in their own bikes for others to try out – something she labelled key in making her decision.  

Investec will be seeking out discounts from bike shops after the week if demand is there from staff, and offering loans for the purchases.  


Pictured: St Martins students making use of the quiet roads.

St Martin’s Primary School has for several years run a school street initiative around drop-off and pick-up times to minimise twice daily chaotic scenes in the playground with hundreds of vehicles bumper-to-bumper with engines running. 

It was borne out of pupil power, with older students requesting changes for safety and environmental reasons which were heeded by management and even government. 

A pedestrian and cycling zone was created on the Route des Coutures with temporary closures enforced, with the car park area becoming inaccessible until 09:00, and between 14:45 and 15:15.  

Now the roads and playground has become a permanent safe zone for those walking or cycling to school, with many expected to continue what is now a tradition for ATW.  

The kids also secured corporate sponsorship for high-viz jackets for dark mornings and have fostered formal relationships with the Constables and wider community.  

ATW runs from 20 to 24 May.

Details for businesses and schools can be found on the Better Journeys Project website HERE. 

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