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Guernsey Electricity to demolish derelict houses this month

Guernsey Electricity to demolish derelict houses this month

Saturday 05 May 2018

Guernsey Electricity to demolish derelict houses this month

Saturday 05 May 2018

The derelict houses which Guernsey Electricity owns along Vale Avenue will finally be demolished by the middle of May.

The exterior of the four properties will be removed on Monday 14 May with the demolition work expected to be complete by Wednesday 16 May.

Guernsey Electricity said it will aim to minimise the inconvenience of the demolition to local residents and businesses, while keeping the safety of its staff and the residents a priority.

Due to the nature of the work. Vale Avenue will have to be closed to traffic. That will come into force on Monday 14 May until Wednesday 16 May, with diversions in place. The pavement surrounding the buildings will be closed for longer though, with parking suspended until all works are complete which is expected to be in late June.

Alan Bates Guernsey Electricity 

Guernsey Electricity’s chief executive, Alan Bates (pictured above), said: "We are delighted that the demolition is not only on track but ahead of schedule. I would like to thank everyone for their patience during this time, and of course my colleagues within Guernsey Electricity who have worked incredibly hard to progress and manage the project."

The demolition of the buildings has been delayed because Guernsey Electricity struggled to get planning permission for the work. Under previous rules the building could not be demolished until plans were approved for what would replace them. Mr Bates said that has frustrated the utility firm as much as it has the public.

"The buildings were not only an eyesore but detrimental to the local area and therefore, we believe the removal will make a positive difference to both neighbours and the wider community" he said.

Planning permission was finally granted to Guernsey Electricity to remove the four derelict properties in late 2017. The company remains restricted by the terms of the planning permission as to what it can do with the site post-demolition so initially, fencing will be put up around the site to make it safe and secure for the general public while further decisions are made on the future of the site. 

Guernsey Electricity said in the mid to long term, as the business changes and technology evolves, it will review all of its sites to ensure it makes the best use of the Vale Avenue site for Guernsey. Prior to applying for any planning permission, Guernsey Electricity said it will engage with the local community to discuss potential options.

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