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GSPCA continues search for lost cat

GSPCA continues search for lost cat

Friday 04 May 2018

GSPCA continues search for lost cat

Friday 04 May 2018

A cat which disappeared while under the care of Guernsey's animal shelter is still missing, more than one month later.

The GSPCA said the individual responsible is no longer working with the charity and all staff are focused solely on finding Tiago and getting him back home to his owner as soon as possible

GSPCA manager Steve Byrne said they know the area he is in and "all of the team are doing everything they can day and night to get Tiago back home" adding that any help is very much appreciated.

The cat was last seen on Friday 30 March and since then he has been seen multiple times in the fields and gardens in the area around Bailiffs Cross.

gspca map

Tiago is short haired with white paws, gold coloured eyes and is a stripy tabby. He is described as very friendly. He wasn't wearing a collar when he went missing but he is microchipped and has been seen playing with other cats in the area.

To try and find him the GSPCA has put down traps and wildlife cameras in areas where there have been reported sightings.

If anyone sees Tiago the advice is: 

  • Call 257261 (if out of hours choosethe emergency option) as soon as possible
  • Ideally the GSPCA needs the exact location and time of sighting, as well as direction of travel
  • If possible a picture or video clip via email to

Tiago ad GSPCA

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