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GALLERY: Clarence Battery steps now OPEN

GALLERY: Clarence Battery steps now OPEN

Friday 06 September 2024

GALLERY: Clarence Battery steps now OPEN

Friday 06 September 2024

The newly rebuilt steps from La Vallette to the Clarence Battery have today been reopened.

Four years after the steps and cliff face were washed away in a landslide, the work to stabilise the area and reinstate the path has finished.

landslide land slide cows horn

Pictured: Heavy rain in March 2020 effectively washed away the cliff face and path.

With the damage being caused in March 2020, nothing could be done immediately because of covid before the extent of the repair work needed was confirmed in November of that year.

A second covid lockdown in 2021 delayed matters further before the States approved funding for the repair work in 2022, and a planning application was submitted and approved last year. 

Earlier this year the project contract was awarded to Guernsey firm NSP Foundations Ltd, which specialises in 'foundation piling and civil engineering'. 

cows horn Clarence Battery la Vallette NSP

Pictured: NSP has been working in this area for six months, but the project actually finished a few weeks ahead of schedule. 

The completion of these works restores the link between Town and Guernsey’s east and south coastal cliff paths - with people waiting to be among the first to walk this new section at lunchtime today.

cows horn Clarence Battery la Vallette NSP

Pictured: The path was reopened at lunchtime on Friday 6 September 2024.

NSP's repair work to the steps and railings was designed to generally maintain the same style as what was previously there.

The new steps were also designed to improve accessibility on this section of the cliff path network with clear edges and level surfaces.

cows horn Clarence Battery la Vallette NSP

Pictured: The new steps follow the same line as the previous ones, with some of these retained.

Drainage issues had contributed to the landslip so landscaping work has been carried out alongside an improved drainage system being installed.

cows horn Clarence Battery la Vallette NSP

Pictured: The restored steps have an improved drainage system in place which is largely concealed in the ground underneath the steps.

Although the work has been completed and cliff path and steps reopened, there will still be some minor works to carry out.

This will include tree planting.

cows horn Clarence Battery la Vallette NSP

Pictured: The old and the new can be seen fused together above La Vallette. 

Deputy Lindsay de Sausmarez, President of the Committee for the Environment & Infrastructure, which is responsible for the island's cliff path network, said she is delighted with what she saw today. 

“The Committee completes routine infrastructure maintenance projects on a weekly basis to restore our coastal defences, roads and other features, but this project is
anything but routine. We really are delighted to be able to complete this major project and reopen these steps, which I’m sure will be welcomed by islanders and
visitors alike.

cows horn Clarence Battery la Vallette NSP

Pictured: New features have been installed alongside repair work to the existing infrastructure.

“While some will have seen seven months of visible works on site, this was really the culmination of an intricate and detailed project to make the area safe and get these steps back in action following the landslip.

“I’d like to thank officers working across the States, as well as our contractor, who have ensured that the work remained on track throughout.

cows horn Clarence Battery la Vallette NSP

Pictured: A seat looking out across La Vallette at the newly reopened cliff path.

“The people I speak to want government to ‘get things done’," said Deputy de Sausmarez, "so having reopened Petit Port steps last year, and now this, it’s brilliant to be able to add this to the list of coastal infrastructure improvements our Committee has overseen.”

cows horn Clarence Battery la Vallette NSP

Pictured: A decorative feature visible on the newly reopened cliff path.

Vive La Vallette Operations Director, Helen Bonner-Morgan said regular users of the area, as well as other members of the public and visitors will benefit from the work to stabilise the cliff face and reopen the path.

“We’re really delighted to hear that the Clarence Battery steps are re-opening and grateful to all those that have worked hard to open up this wonderful gateway to the
South Coast cliffs,” she said.

cows horn Clarence Battery la Vallette NSP

Pictured: The cliff path had been closed off from the top and bottom for more than four years.

The NSP works compound at the base of the steps was being removed on Friday afternoon.

Once clear, the turning circle at the base of the cliff path will be reinstated and two-hour parking in the diagonal spaces made available again.

With the diagonal parking spaces being reinstated, some of the two-hour spaces between the Ladies’ Pool and towards the Horseshoe swimming area will return to 1-hour spaces.

view from steps to cows horn Clarence Battery la Vallette NSP

Pictured above and top: All images taken on Friday 6 September 2024 moments before the steps to the Clarence Battery reopened to the public after being closed for four years. 


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