Tuesday 01 October 2024
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GAAG: "Guernsey needs BA services to London Heathrow to guarantee sustainable air connectivity"


Tuesday 01 October 2024

GAAG: "Guernsey needs BA services to London Heathrow to guarantee sustainable air connectivity"

Tuesday 01 October 2024

The Guernsey Aviation Action Group has questioned whether Aurigny can still provide the island's essential air services, in light of its recent "bad luck".

Responding to recent suggestions put forward by the Chamber of Commerce for improving the island's air links, GAAG says the impact on the business community of Aurigny's poor 2024 is clear.

Speaking for GAAG, Barry Cash said the island needs services into Heathrow - as opposed to London City, or Stansted.

He's also claimed that if the problems with air connectivity continue for much longer, GST will become an unavoidable reality as the island will need to recoup money lost when businesses relocate elsewhere.

"Guernsey needs BA services to London Heathrow to guarantee sustainable air connectivity, to match that in Jersey," said Mr Cash on behalf of GAAG.

"To suggest that Aurigny has had some bad luck, but can still provide our essential services is questionable, but at what cost to the Guernsey public and, just as importantly, our reputation?

"Aurigny in its present form will never be able to offer low fares which is the reason why passenger numbers are declining leading to the decline in tourism and the airport's revenue. Selling the jet reduced capacity on the London/Guernsey route pushing up prices and London City is not convenient for many people and Stansted is not London."

The Chamber of Commerce made a number of suggestions - not including resuming flights to Heathrow - last month.


Pictured: GAAG has responded to suggestions made by the Chamber of Commerce last month.

The suggestions did include merging Aurigny with Blue Islands, merging the airport fire service with its town counterpart, merging air traffic control services with other airports, installing EMAS at Guernsey Airport, and creating a new Air Policy Framework.

GAAG might not agree with the details of the suggestions, but Mr Cash said it agreed that something does need to change.

"We must not forget the severe impact our current air connectivity has on the business sector with companies considering moving off island, reducing their numbers and choosing to hold meetings in Jersey rather than Guernsey thus making us a satellite of Jersey.

"If this continues our financial sector will just become a back office filing function leading to a severe reduction in tax take. GST and 23% income tax will only be the start."

In appraising current air services itself, GAAG insists relaunching a Heathrow service is important.

"GAAG consider it is essential to gain BA operated airlinks to London Heathrow to offer guaranteed and sustainable air connectivity to match Jersey’s.

"Indeed we must have a runway fit to take all current and future aircraft and that is why GAAG have been pressing for the installation of EMAS at the east end of the runway. At £23M and installed within six months of the decision being made it will be a game changer providing the boost to our economy we desperately need.

"Merging Aurigny and Blue Island, whilst a good soundbite and on the face of it should provide savings, would require a detailed assessment before any decision could be made. Combining fire services has been looked at before and discounted for very good reasons. Remote controlled Tower operated by Jersey…..(would be) questionable."


"Something needs to change, the status quo isn't supporting our community and businesses" 

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