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Flu jab reminder as winter pressures continue at the PEH

Flu jab reminder as winter pressures continue at the PEH

Saturday 31 March 2018

Flu jab reminder as winter pressures continue at the PEH

Saturday 31 March 2018

As Guernsey's hospital continues to feel the pressure from winter ailments, anyone who hasn't yet had an influenza vaccine is encouraged to do so.

It was confirmed on Thursday that the end of March has seen the highest winter pressures felt all season, with the PEH "full" and operations having to be delayed because post operative care couldn't be confirmed.

As the Easter weekend is traditionally also a busy time for hospital services, and with the tail end of the winter season bringing the unexpected "exceptionally busy period" leaving health workers working over time, it's hoped some steps can be taken to avoid further pressures at the PEH.

PEH heidi soulsby

Speaking on Thursday, the President of Health and Social Care told Express that although the busy period was unexpected, staff are coping well:

"This is happening really quite late, and we've been lucky where we've seen peaks in demand we dealt with them and it's worked very well. We've seen nothing like in the UK where they're at a constant level. It's happened very quickly and it is late but its still within that period of winter pressures" said Deputy Heidi Soulsby. 

"We have planned for winter pressures over the period and brought in agency staff to make sure we can deal with it, but with this we have just seen over the last 48 hours (Tuesday/Wednesday) a sudden peak and of course we are a small community with just one hospital so we haven't got any opportunity to move people to other hospitals where there are beds. That makes it far harder here as we are all or nothing."

However, Deputy Soulsby said we can all play our part in trying to keep ourselves healthy to prevent putting further pressures on the hospital:

"I think it's really important for people to know that yes they can still get the flu jab. It's highly recommended for people over 65, with medical conditions and those who are severely obese.

"It just reduces any potential for any pandemic to happen. We're not in that state but we have seen a peak, so it's always worth having that jab."

Explaining further, Dr Nikki Brink, the island's Medical Officer of Health said it is not too late for those in "high risk groups" to get a flu jab if they are able to: 

"Although we have identified cases of Influenza B we are not experiencing a ‘flu epidemic. This is seasonal flu – albeit we are at the tail end of the flu season. It is not too late for people to get a flu jab.

"All islanders aged over 65 years and people of any age with certain medical conditions are highly likely to benefit from protection against the ‘flu. Therefore, all are being urged to arrange to have the vaccine as soon as possible.  These conditions include: chronic lung or heart disease; kidney or liver disease; HIV infection, diabetes; and severe obesity."


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