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First ‘BioBlitz’ organised by the Nature Commission

First ‘BioBlitz’ organised by the Nature Commission

Tuesday 14 May 2024

First ‘BioBlitz’ organised by the Nature Commission

Tuesday 14 May 2024

The Nature Commission has organised its first ‘BioBlitz’ in partnership with La Societe Guernesiaise.

A ‘BioBlitz’ is an event where a group or individual records as many living things as possible in a specific area over a particular timeframe.

BioBlitz 2024 will be taking place at Bordeaux on Tuesday 21 May with local experts and nature enthusiasts.  

The findings will then be shared with children on 23 and 24 May. 

“Connecting with nature is really important. Research has shown that children connecting with nature increase their knowledge of the natural world alongside other benefits such as improved problem-solving skills and increased physical activity,” said Head of Operations and Education at the Commission, Angela Salmon. 

“We hope the children attending the BioBlitz will have a fantastic time learning about nature in our local environment and some of these children may become future nature experts.” 

While this is the first event of its kind organised by the Commission, other BioBlitzes have taken place across the island, including on the Lihou headland and L’Ancresse. 

All the information will be sent to the Guernsey Biological Records Centre. 

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