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Final call for 2020 Community Awards nominations

Final call for 2020 Community Awards nominations

Monday 07 September 2020

Final call for 2020 Community Awards nominations

Monday 07 September 2020

People have just a few more days to submit their nominations forms for this year’s Community Awards.

The Awards, hosted by the Guernsey Community Foundation, return to St James on Tuesday 17 November, to celebrate local charities, individuals and businesses who have raised money, delivered services and undertaken community projects for the benefit of others over the last 12 months.

The closing date for nomination is 17:00 on Friday 11 September.

“We’ve received a good number of nominations so far across the categories which is great," said Guernsey Community Foundation Chairman Wayne Bulpitt. "But we want to make sure that organisations and individuals don’t miss out on what we hope will be a particularly special year this year."

Pictured: A video with one of the previous award winners, Guernsey Mind.

“This year’s Awards, which happens to coincide with the Foundation’s 10th Anniversary, is going to be a fantastic opportunity to celebrate all third sector achievements."

As in previous years, self-nominations are welcomed as well as third-party nominations.

To help the nomination process, online forms with different questions for each category have been introduced for the first time this year.

Wayne Bulpitt

Pictured: Mr Bulpitt said the Foundation is able to offer advice on the type of information the judges are looking for.

Prize money of £3,000 will be awarded to the Charity of the Year and all other categories will receive £2,000 to be donated to a local charity of the winner’s choice.

For more information go to or contact Anna Le Page at or by telephone on 723442.

The award categories are:

Charity Of The Year sponsored by Ravenscroft
Awarded to the charity that the Judges believe has consistently delivered outstanding service to its beneficiaries; promoted and raised its cause; been clear in its goals and strategy and demonstrated excellence all round.

Organising Committee Of The Year sponsored by Julius Baer
Awarded to the organisers of an annual event, one-off project or campaign which has been particularly successful in engaging with the local community and whose participants have demonstrated great teamwork.

Outstanding Individual Achievement sponsored by PWC
Awarded to a person who has demonstrated innovation, teamwork, passion and integrity throughout their involvement, and who has produced an identifiably profound effect on a charity or voluntary organisation through their work and/or leadership. 

Fundraising Team Of The Year 
Awarded to a locally based fundraising team on the basis of its innovation and results that achieve or exceed the aims of a campaign, or campaigns, during the previous 12 months.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Award sponsored by Credit Suisse
The CSR Award recognises the active involvement of a commercial company and its team directly with charitable, voluntary or community projects in its locality, or through its partnership with a local charitable, voluntary or community organisation that has had a quantifiably positive effect on the local community over the last year/s.

Innovation Award Sponsored by Resolution IT
The Innovation Award recognises creative ways of working that will benefit the voluntary sector or our wider community. This could include partnership working between charities and the private or public sectors, and could be awarded to an individual or team. Recognition could extend to new projects; new or inventive ways of working or approaching problems that enable more effective delivery of services; filling gaps in provision; or operate outside of the normal remit of a charitable or community organisation. The Award can extend to include innovation outside of the Bailiwick but the work must have a Guernsey link/involvement.

Youth Award sponsored by Royal Bank of Canada
Awarded to a young person or a group of young people who has made a positive difference to the community. They may have done this – for example – by caring, by volunteering, by overcoming adversity, by raising awareness of a particular issue, or by organising an event that has improved Islanders’ quality of life.  NB: A young person for the purpose of this award will be 11-25. All individuals within a group of young people must fit this age criteria.

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