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Entries open for pan-CI art competition

Entries open for pan-CI art competition

Friday 14 June 2024

Entries open for pan-CI art competition

Friday 14 June 2024

Guernsey Arts and the Jersey Art Centre are working together on this year's Fox Open Art Competition, with application forms now available online, with the competition open to all Channel Island residents.

Artists from both Bailiwicks are invited to enter with the winning and selected artworks to be exhibited at the George Crossan Gallery in the St Peter Port market, and at the Jersey Arts Centre.

This year’s prizes total £2,000 and will be awarded to Channel Island-based artists who, in the opinion of the judge Mick Armson, have produced the most original work of art.

This year’s prizes are £1,000 for the overall winner, £500 for the winner of the Jock Russell Award for 12 to 18 year olds, and prizes of £100 for five highly commended artists.


Pictured: Mick Armson is the 2024 judge.

Sponsored by JJ Fox International Ltd, the Fox Open Art Competition is now in its 42nd year.

This year, artists can enter online by completing the online application form and submitting photographs of their artwork. The judge will make a selection from the photographs then choose the winning works in person.

Guernsey Arts will be hosting a drop in on 4 September from 13:00 to 17:00 at the George Crossan Gallery for anyone who would like assistance with their entry form.


Pictured: The Fox Open Art Competition is held in conjunction with the George Crossan Gallery and the Jersey Art Centre.

The competition is open to artists who are resident in the Bailiwick of Jersey, Bailiwick of Guernsey and who are aged 12 and over. 

Entrants may submit up to two works and it costs £5. If you’re a student, then you only have to pay £1 to enter your piece(s)!

The closing date for entries is 17:00 Tuesday 10 September 2024.

Pictured top: The 2023 winner was Edie Le Blanq with 'Second Prize in a Beauty Contest'.

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