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Electric bikes for Sark

Electric bikes for Sark

Thursday 02 May 2019

Electric bikes for Sark

Thursday 02 May 2019

Chief Pleas has voted to deregulate electric bikes for use in Sark - a landmark change for the island.

While it may be famous for being 'car-free', Sark has allowed a number of motorised vehicles to use its roads, including tractors and 'power assisted cycles' for people with proven medical conditions.

Soon though, people will be able to own or hire an electric bike without needing a doctor's certificate after Chief Pleas approved a change in the law yesterday.

The vote was taken after a public consultation found support for changing the law, with Chief Pleas agreeing some rules including a minimum age limit of 14 years old and speed limits.

The law will need to be approved again by the island's government before E-bikes can be brought in for all to use, but the changes made this week include:

Proposition 1:

That Chief Pleas directs The Douzaine to request the Law Officers of the Crown to draft the necessary legislation for the deregulation of electric cycles on Sark’s roads.

Proposition 2:

That Chief Pleas directs The Douzaine to carry out consultation with the residents of Sark to determine their views on the introduction of legislation for the regulation of bicycles (whether electric or not) being used to transport passengers on Sark roads.

Initially proposed by Conseiller Alan Blythe on behalf of The Douzaine, Chief Pleas was told that if the law were to be changed all of the restrictions currently applied to electric cycles would be retained including 'kerbside weight, pedal assisted only, motor size and maximum speed'.

The meeting heard that; "there is no evidence that since the introduction of legislation to control the use of electric cycles on Sark there has been any significant accidents involving electric cycles, nor reports of any abuse of their use.

"The Douzaine is aware that when Conseillers set the priorities for 2019 at the Policy Development Group meeting in January, that deregulation of electric cycles on Sark roads was not on that list. However, the work required to produce an Ordinance to bring about the deregulation should not be a complex one, the Douzaine believes its drafting would not use up an inordinate amount of Law Officer time."

The law change should be back before Chief Pleas for final approval within months. 

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