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Election date set but spending rules remain up in the air

Election date set but spending rules remain up in the air

Thursday 23 May 2024

Election date set but spending rules remain up in the air

Thursday 23 May 2024

Guernsey will go to the polls on Wednesday 18 June next year with candidates having dealt with new spending rules agreed by this Assembly.

A grant of £500 that candidates could claim in the last election to help them cover costs has been scrapped and in September the States will decide what spending limits should be after failing to come to a conclusion in the latest debate.

There will also have to be three vacancies in the next States to trigger a by-election, up from one, with members concerned about the £250,000 bill that comes with it.

Members came to the decisions after debating the States Assembly and Constitution Committee's election report.

How much money candidates should be able to spend was hotly debated, with views expressed about how to keep it accessible to those less well off yet also large enough so people could get their message out without being overly reliant on the government manifesto booklet.

SACC had wanted a limit of up to £7,500 for individuals and £15,000 for political parties.

That was cut to £6,000 and £12,000 by a successful amendment, but faced being slashed further to as low as £2,000.

A compromise was agreed so SACC will draw up another report focussed on cutting the level which will be debated in four month's time. They want more evidence to ensure they do not end up in breach of international guidance on fair elections.

They will also be looking again at the format of the election booklet produced by the States.

For full coverage of the debate, visit our liveblog.

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