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E&I seeks interest in vacant committee space after Deputy Haskins resigns

E&I seeks interest in vacant committee space after Deputy Haskins resigns

Tuesday 28 February 2023

E&I seeks interest in vacant committee space after Deputy Haskins resigns

Tuesday 28 February 2023

An increased workload has seen Deputy Sam Haskins resign from the Committee for Environment and Infrastructure, as he begins his new role as the Vice-President of the Committee for Education, Sport and Culture.

This has left a vacant space on the Committee and E&I said it’ll update the public on how it’ll be filled as soon as possible.

“We have invited States Members to let us know if they have an interest in joining the Committee, which is in a very busy period making significant progress in a number of key areas of its broad mandate,” said the Committee.

Commenting on his resignation, Deputy Haskins said it was entirely down to an increase in his work commitments and nothing to do with any policy differences.

“Yes, the decision was due to work commitment and not policy differences. I have always been encouraged to give robust challenge and share any difference of opinion. 

“Committees operate on a consensus basis; the decisions of the committee are made by majority, often unanimously. If the committee agreed on an action that I didn’t vote for, I would respect the majority political decision and would not work to undermine the Committee. Where the decision is to be made in the Assembly, I will try and persuade members of my rationale and point of view even if it differs from the Committee- but again, will accept the democratic majority decision.”

Deputy Sam Haskins

Pictured: “It is… with regret that I have taken the decision to resign from E&I in order to give ESC my full attention,” said Deputy Haskins.

His work at ESC will include new responsibilities, including chairing the Interim Governing Boards.

He said: “ESC has been given the direction by the States to develop a new and positive change in the structure of education, a challenging mandate and the outcome of which is fundamental to our island’s future success.

“The future of our children and educational stability is of paramount importance to me and I am looking forward to focusing my efforts to make a positive difference.”

He thanked the President of E&I, Deputy Lindsay de Sausmarez and the other members of E&I for his time on the committee. 

Deputy Lindsay De Sausmarez

Pictured: Deputy de Sausmarez said: “Sam has made a positive contribution to the range of perspectives on the Committee and therefore the strength of the decision-making.”

Deputy De Sausmarez commented on Deputy Haskins resignation, saying that his contribution to her committee had been positive.

“Deputy Sam Haskins has been a diligent and thoughtful Vice-President and has brought to the Committee not just his knowledge and experience of a range of relevant subjects, especially in marine matters, but also a keen eye for detail and his sharp analytical skills,” she said.

“I’d like to thank him for his contribution to the Committee generally and in particular for his involvement in the Electricity Strategy Steering Group, which has helped to shape this very important work that will establish and help deliver the best balance for the island between energy security, affordability and environmental impact.”

Deputy Haskins will be taking over at ESC from Deputy Bob Murray who has moved to the Policy & Resources Committee. 


Deputy Haskins takes senior States role

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