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Earth Fair urges no disposable vapes and calls for volunteers

Earth Fair urges no disposable vapes and calls for volunteers

Saturday 24 August 2024

Earth Fair urges no disposable vapes and calls for volunteers

Saturday 24 August 2024

The Vale Earth Fair is on the lookout for helpers, with those committing between three and four hours on the day in line for a free ticket and a food and drink token.

People can help to staff the gate, food tent, merchandise stall and the bar at the event which is being staged tomorrow.

More help can be provided on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for the clear-up. 

Part of the effort is sorting through the waste for recycling, and last year's festival saw a wave of disposable vapes thrown into the bins. 

They’re all made of plastic and have batteries in them that require extra processing once thrown away. This year, we ask that you please do not bring disposable vapes. We won’t confiscate them, and will provide special bins to put them in, but please if you feel the need to vape, use a rechargeable one,” the VEF Collective said. 

“Let’s try and make choices that help our wonderful Earth where we can.” 

The festival takes place between midday and midnight on 25 August. 


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