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Dolphin Discovery Trail plans progressing

Dolphin Discovery Trail plans progressing

Monday 07 October 2024

Dolphin Discovery Trail plans progressing

Monday 07 October 2024

Bailiwick Express is proud to be media partner for next year's Dolphin Discovery Trail and we'd like other businesses to join us in getting involved...

The trail will follow a similar format to previous events which have included models of puffins, goats, and donkeys.

puffin parade

Pictured: These puffins helped raise nearly £100,000 for the GSPCA and Autism Guernsey in 2023.

Raising vital funds for both Autism Guernsey and the GSPCA, the community initiatives will offer a free activity for those wanting to see each of the models, while encouraging donations to the two beneficiaries.

With support from Express, the 'Dolphin Discovery Trail' will be highlighted across our platforms so those taking part can easily find each one with free maps and other online and printed assistance and information. 

The 62 dolphins will be on display throughout next Spring and Summer, after artists have put their personal touch on the statues.

Schools, community groups, and other charities will be taking part in the artistic process too, confirming the 2025 Dolphin Discovery Trail as a true community initiative.

How you can take part

There will be 62 dolphins in the Discovery Trail.

Express will have one on display and other businesses have also signed an agreement to sponsor one.

Some remain available and there is time for more businesses to get involved with sponsoring them too.

To find out more information contact dolphinparade2025@gmail.com or Autism Guernsey (office@autismguernsey.org.gg) or GSPCA (steve@gspca.org.gg) directly. 


Pictured: 2021's Golden Goat trail was organised by Autism Guernsey and the Guernsey Adult Literacy Project.

The dolphins are due to arrive in Guernsey this month, and they will then be distributed among the artists and organisations decorating them.

In February next year the dolphins will be rounded up to get the ready for their individual display locations.

Each dolphin will be placed in a publicly accessible location, where they will remain on display until the end of August.

They will each be auctioned off in September to raise even more money for the GSPCA and Autism Guernsey.

Steve Byrne, manager of the GSPCA said last year's Puffin Parade was a massive success and he's hoping the Dolphin Discovery Trail will be as successful in 2025.

“Last year the Puffin Parade which was run by the GSPCA and Autism Guernsey was a massive success thanks to the amazing support by all involved. Like the Puffin Parade and similar events in previous years we are looking for sponsors for the giant Dolphin statues and artists to paint them as well as locations to place them, help with the hunt app, website, raffle, auction location and much more."

A number of other businesses have already joined Express in supporting the Dolphin Discovery Trail said Mr Byrne.

“We have contacted those amazing supporters who helped with the Puffin Parade and many are supporting this event and we now would love to hear from those keen to help with next year’s BIG event.

“From DWA Flooring to Craftwise Ltd, Aquitaine Group to Blanchelande Park Nursing Home, Ravenscroft to TISE we are so excited to announce the names of all involved in the coming weeks.

“The Puffin Parade raised an incredible £140,000 between both the GSPCA and Autism Guernsey and was a huge amount of fun and we continue to love seeing the Puffins featured all around Guernsey.

“To help and get involved please email me and Andrew via dolphinparade2025@gmail.com.”

The GSPCA is hoping to use funds raised through the Dolphin Discovery Trail for the planned redevelopment of the St Andrew's animal shelter site, while Autism Guernsey recently suffered a set back to its plans for 2025 with the loss of a valuable grant.

Andrew Sparks Autism Guernsey Director said the money raised from the Dolphin Discovery Trail will help it keep its services going.

“The Puffin Parade was an incredible event that raised much needed funds for both the GSPCA and Autism Guernsey last year.

“Over the last few months we having been working on the next big event which will be the Dolphin Discovery Trail 2025. Both charities do so much for the community and we are delighted to once again join up for what is going to be another amazing event to bring joy to the island and bring much needed funds for Autism Guernsey and the GSPCA.

“Many will have seen the news recently about funding for Autism Guernsey and we are all doing all we can to raise the much needed funds for our essential work supporting our community.

“If anyone is keen to support Autism Guernsey in any way we would love to hear from you from the Dolphin Discovery trail 2025 to other ways you think you can support.

“We must say a huge thanks to Two Degrees North for kindly making our logo for this event it is hugely appreciated from both the GSPCA and Autism Guernsey.

“We cannot thank everyone enough that helped with the Puffin Parade and we look forward updating everyone on the Dolphin Discovery Trail 2025.”

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