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Dogs spared after attacking others

Dogs spared after attacking others

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Dogs spared after attacking others

Tuesday 30 January 2018

A woman who was charged with failing to control her Alaskan Malamutes has been fined a total of £500 and has been ordered to pay a total of £659 compensation to other dog owners.

In two separate instances, two of Jocelyn Rabet's five dogs attacked other animals after she "lost control of them" while walking them.

As well as the fines and compensation payments, Judge Graeme McKerrell gave Ms Rabet a control order to obey when walking her dogs in the future, meaning they must always be muzzled and always be on a leash no longer than three foot. 

Ms Rabat pleaded guilty to both charges, during the court hearing, however it was highlighted that during the first instance, in June 2017, she was dealing with a shoulder injury and hence lost control of her dog unintentionally.

After the first attack, Ms Rabet said she had vowed to herself to "never walk her dogs without leashes", but the second incident occurred when she was picking up dog mess and she again lost control.

Speaking in her defence, Ms Rabet's advocate also raised the fact that she was considering moving to France with the dogs, where they would have a large farm to live on.

Giving his judgement, Judge McKerrell said: "I will not give a destruction order today, but there will be a control order for the two dogs. If any repetitions occur, then there will likely be a destruction order issued".

Alaskan malamute

Pictured: File image of an Alaskan Malamute, not the dogs involved in this case.


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