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Developers scale back Leale’s Yard housing and commercial proposals, want to add office space

Developers scale back Leale’s Yard housing and commercial proposals, want to add office space

Thursday 12 September 2024

Developers scale back Leale’s Yard housing and commercial proposals, want to add office space

Thursday 12 September 2024

Fresh plans have been submitted for developing Leale’s Yard which cut back the number of homes that could be built there.

Outline planning permission was granted to the CI Co-op and Omnibus in 2022 for 338 residential units on the site, but they now want to cut this to 314 after revising the plans because they need to use a different supplier of modular units.

It has also led to other changes, including introducing 5,380sqm of office space and slashing the commercial space down from 8,000sqm to 787sqm and reducing the size of the Co-op supermarket.

"The application has been developed since the introduction of a new modular construction supplier," a letter from SRA Architects with the planning application says.

"Following a review of the new supplier's products and systems it became apparent that the new format would require fundamental changes to the residential block layouts. This naturally led to a more holistic review of the proposals as a whole, culminating the design you see presented here."

The proposed changes at a glance:

  • Apartments: 320 down to 296 (18 town houses are also still proposed)
  • Retail floor space: 5,800sqm down to 4,058sqm
  • Commercial floor space: 8,000sqm down to 787sqm
  • Office space - zero up to 5,380sqm

The site still also includes a multi-story car park and dedicated green space.


Pictured: The 2022 proposal. Image from SRA Architects Design Statement.


Pictured: The revised 2024 proposal. Image from SRA Architects Design Statement.

The new modular housing supplier will use "standardised modular blocks to form a variety of 1-bed and 2-bed apartments (in addition to townhouses)".

The site layout had been altered when compared to the 2022 plans.

"The grouping of buildings around a single square establishes a strong layout hierarchy, and gives a development a central focus, creating a vibrant hub that will contribute to the success of the proposals.

"The layout now clearly differentiates between the fronts and backs, with public-facing frontages addressing the square, and commercial and residential service areas kept to the rear. The layout focuses on improving aspect views for residential occupants, ensuring views out from habitable rooms are maintained."

The revised layout has varying roof levels and profiles to "reduce the perceived scale of development".

Commercial elements have been updated to have a wider variety on offer.

The proposals now include only two light-industrial units in the north-west corner and instead introduce two new office units - one four storeys and the other three - around a courtyard.

"Overall there is a floor area reduction of 9%, but it is envisaged that the proposals would provide higher value commercial (office) development, reflective of
local demand. As part of a reinvigorated local centre, it is anticipated that these employment units would be highly sought after."

The States has been in discussions about investing up to £35m in the development, but there have been complications including concerns about construction methods of the housing and flood risks.

Last week Policy & Resources President Lyndon Trott told the States that he hoped proposals about any States investment would be published before the end of the year, a stark contrast to his message after being elected in December when he believed spades could be in the ground this year.

He now says it could be 2026 before development begins.


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Leale's Yard development to start this year

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