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Deputies propose new Committee specifically for housing

Deputies propose new Committee specifically for housing

Tuesday 02 July 2024

Deputies propose new Committee specifically for housing

Tuesday 02 July 2024

A new committee could be launched next term with a mandate guided entirely by housing needs.

The Committee for Housing would “help the States accelerate the delivery of homes” according to several deputies who’ve signed the Requete proposing the idea.

The Requete proposes £155,000 be allocated from the 2025 budget to the new committee and for the portions of funding allocated for housing functions within the budgets of Environment, ESS and P&R to be transferred to the new committee. 

“The States Strategic Housing Indicator approved by the States last year, showed us that we need over 1,500 new homes between 2023 and 2027 or about 313 per year”, said Deputy Kazantseva-Miller, the lead requêrant.  

“Last year less than a third of that indicator was built. At the current rate of homebuilding, we have little to no chance to meet that indicator by 2027. There must be a step-change in our approach, if we are to take that indicator seriously and be trusted by our community to deliver on housing."


The new committee would combine the mandates currently held by Environment and Infrastructure, Employment and Social Security, and Policy and Resources, while expanding further to include policy areas under the Guernsey Housing Plan. 

It would have influence over planning policies and be responsible for the delivery of homes. 

The ability to create and dissolve committees can be done via resolution, and would not need any changes to the machinery of government. 

“The existence of such rules tells me that our political forebearers thought it was prudent for the States to have the flexibility to create or dissolve committees to meet the challenges and demands of their times,” said Deputy Kazantseva-Miller. 

“We must be nimble and responsive and seek to organise and resource ourselves to best deliver against government priorities. There has been a lot of positive work initiated this political term by colleagues and for me it’s about how we build on that and how we can deliver the right response to a crisis situation”. 

“I feel strongly that we cannot simply continue with doing more of what we’ve done because the rate and pace indicates that we will not get there. It’s incumbent on all of us to explore alternative or additional solutions to move things forward.  

“I have received quite strong, you could say, overwhelming, support having spent a lot of time engaging with external stakeholders and deputies in the past few months. This support has pushed me forward to work with many colleagues across the Assembly to finalise the proposals. I am especially grateful to the signatories for their insights and advice.” 

The Requete has been signed by Deputies Kazantseva-Miller, Peter Ferbrache, Marc Leadbeater, Dave Mahoney, Nick Moakes, Carl Meerveld, and Victoria Oliver. 

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