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Community walking challenge to take place for second time

Community walking challenge to take place for second time

Sunday 02 June 2024

Community walking challenge to take place for second time

Sunday 02 June 2024

A special community walk will take place while people are tackling the round island Saffery Rotary Walk on Saturday [8 June]

The Step by Step Walk will happen from 11am to 2pm in the car park of Rosaire Court & Gardens.

The event is hosted and run by Rosaire Community Association in partnership with Housing 21.

The Association, an independent charity, is based at Rosaire Court and was one of the beneficiaries of the 2023 Saffery Rotary Walk.

Members of the association were eager to make their own contribution towards the main walk but the challenge of completing all or parts of it was not an option for its community due to health, disability, and the effects of getting older.

They decided to host their own event with members, friends and family walking lengths of the car park as part of a team to complete a combined total distance of 39 miles, equivalent to the route of the Saffery Rotary Walk.

Chairman of the Saffery Rotary Walk, Simon Milsted said: "The values of inclusion go to the core of both the Rotary movement and our sponsor of the main event, Saffery Trust. So, it took us no time at all, to accept Rosaire Community Association's invitation to join forces and bring our fundraising within the sphere of the residents in and around Rosaire Court & Gardens.

"We are so pleased that in this initiative we have together broadened yet again the appeal of this special day of participation and celebration of our island to another group of much respected members of our community."

Over 60 participants walked Step by Step in 2023.

They exceeded their sponsorship target on their way to walk in excess of a combined 39 miles.

Anyone is welcome to join the event or support those involved.

Registration opens at 10:30.a.m. at Rosaire Court's main reception. You can donate or download and print off a sponsorship form in advance from the Saffery Rotary Walk website

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