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Comment: Populists, party politics and island wide voting: what do we actually want?

Comment: Populists, party politics and island wide voting: what do we actually want?

Wednesday 25 April 2018

Comment: Populists, party politics and island wide voting: what do we actually want?

Wednesday 25 April 2018

Concerned Guernseyman Greg Archer has written down for Express his concerns over the move towards party politics and what impact it could have as we move closer towards another election:

Most people I speak to moan and complain about how Guernsey is run but don’t tend to have solutions or a will to look for one themselves. Comments such as ‘I don’t vote’ or ‘I can’t be bothered’ are not unusual. Worse still are such comments as ‘it doesn’t affect me’. Whatever happens in Guernsey affects us all and we may well be running out of time. Currently we are set on a course to be an extremely expensive and hard to get to – and oh so environmentally friendly – retirement home.

Recently I attended a couple of meetings hosted by the Islanders Association. Several deputies have clearly seen a pattern of social change in recent years and are feeling morally obligated to get us back on track to a level of common sense. In sticking their heads above the parapet they have come under criticism and people who haven’t bothered to attend their open meetings or ask them directly (which they can do at any time) why they are doing this have shouted the loudest. One of the most commonly used criticisms is ‘they are paid to do a job, so get on with it’. Therein lies the problem – they can’t get on with it because every time they try to they are thwarted by the vagaries of our experimental new form of government initiated in 2016. We have a block of left/environmentally inclined Deputies who seem to vote on-block, perhaps the Islanders Association isn’t the first of its kind?

islanders association

Furthermore others have criticised the association for asking for a membership fee. All clubs and associations require fees – hiring a venue and putting on tea, coffee and biscuits for attendees isn’t free. Someone has to pick up the tab. In asking for a fee each person in the association takes ownership and control. No deputy will be paid for his or her time in working within the association and they are doing this because they care about Guernsey and its future – remember none of them have to do this.

Is the current system we have effective? Well – let us look at what has been achieved in the last two years. Economic growth is dependent on good links to Europe, the UK and inter island and in the last election it appeared on most manifestos. Need I say more? So what is the problem and why has this not been addressed? Is having a central senior committee like P&R the best way forward in terms of efficiency? We are having debates on matters such as assisted dying and new ways of looking at taking drugs but are should they be our first priority right now? And let’s be honest – whenever such issues are debated it doesn’t mean anything will get done in the near future. The disability strategy goes back to 2013 and as of today the law is not ratified. Yes – progress is being made now but hark back 12 months and little to nothing was being done.

One of the saddest aspects of our government currently is the lack of faith it has in its own people and the reliance on consultants – generally from the UK.  The recent Education debacle is a prime example. During which a consultant told us we need two secondary schools and I am confident one could be found to tell us we need three or four. One could be found to tell us to keep the Grammar School – do not for one moment think that those who charge the taxpayer a small fortune to tell us what we need are all of one mind. It would be very naïve to think so.

There is also a recent trend in calling any politician who actually listens to the public and tries to represent their views a ‘populist’. How dare anyone make such a suggestion as if we as the public are too stupid to even think and are to be brainwashed by qualified people who know better. Is to govern to dictate? Deputies are there to represent their people first and foremost and not to force policy on them they didn’t ask for. That is borderline dictatorship and we the public should have a say – this is where the Islanders Association will give us a voice because right now a huge section of the population doesn’t have one.

There is but a short time before the 2020 election (by then we are apparently going to be the happiest place to live) to develop policies that are common sense based with the participation of our community. In having full Island Wide Voting, which the association is making its priority, potential candidates can begin working on the big issues well in advance of 2020 and hit the ground running instead of wasting precious time getting to know one another.  To have policies on the economy, on connectivity, on waste, on education dealt with two years in advance of the next election has to be a much more efficient way to get things done. I recommend people spend a few moments and check out the association and talk to those who have founded it. There may be a lot more common ground there that you think. Whatever you decide, there isn’t long. 

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