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Boy 'cutting it' for the Little Princess Trust

Boy 'cutting it' for the Little Princess Trust

Friday 02 March 2018

Boy 'cutting it' for the Little Princess Trust

Friday 02 March 2018

Nine-year-old Joshua Gomes will be braving the chop on Saturday 3 March, after growing his hair for more than two years, so he can donate his locks to the Little Princess Trust.

Even being mistaken for a girl has not put Joshua off his goal of growing his hair long enough to donate to the charity; which uses real hair to make wigs for children who have lost their own to cancer or other illnesses.

Joshua who is in year 5 at Notre Dame Du Rosaire Primary School was inspired by his mother; Nikita Gomes, who donated 16cm of her own hair to the same charity. She said: "Joshua makes me and his dad, Aldo, very very proud. We love him dearly and no matter how much people make reference to him being a girl he has not let this put him off, he really wants to help sick children and make them feel happy."

So far Joshua has raised £330 of his £500 target via a 'just giving page'. It costs around £250 for each wig to be made and he wanted to ensure all costs were covered for two hairpieces. The link to his page can be found here.


Pictured: Joshua's hair from the back

Joshua has managed, after two years, to grow his hair half -ay down his back and will be having it cut at Meraki salon on 3 March at 09:30. He has chosen a few short cuts which he might like his new look locks to be styled into, but his mum said he will make the final decision on the day.

Ms Gomes said: "He is feeling a little bit nervous, but has made all of these decisions by himself. Joshua is a very kind hearted boy and plans to do some future fundraising to help sick children."

Main image: Pictured Joshua Gomes



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