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Army and Navy store to be replaced by a house

Army and Navy store to be replaced by a house

Saturday 20 July 2024

Army and Navy store to be replaced by a house

Saturday 20 July 2024

Planning permission has been given for an 'architecturally insignificant building' to be knocked down and replaced with a house.

The owner of the former Army and Navy Store at Retot Lane, Castel, was initially given planning permission to extend the building to create a home, but when he asked to vary those plans to demolish the existing building, to create a larger property deeper into the site, he was refused.

The Development and Planning Authority said those plans were rejected because the new build was going to be "too big".

After adjusting the designs, the owner has now had permission granted to demolish the building and to redevelop the site.

The property already has residential neighbours, which has been taken into account by the planning officers who gave permission for the redevelopment work to go ahead.

army and navy

Pictured: Planning permission has been given despite concerns raised.

There was one representation made against the plans, with concerns raised around overshadowing, overbearing, and overlooking as well as piecemeal development and the interface.  

The DPA have acknowledged that the site's current boundaries are "unclear" and that the east and south boundaries have to be agreed in writing by the Authority before anyone can move in to the new house.

They've also said that the west boundary wall between the southern edge of an external staircase and the front of the dwelling "shall be raised to no less than 1.7m above finished ground level" to prevent overlooking from the new dwelling to the neighbouring properties.

The DPA also said that as the new dwelling will be located further into the site than the current building, it will have "a better relationship to the surrounding built environment by increasing the separation distance between the façade of the building and the road".

The planning report also states that "the rationale to position the new dwelling in the proposed location is considered to be reasonable and logical".

"Moreover, the position of the new dwelling will significantly improve the outlook/aspect and internal amenity provision for any future occupiers thereby creating a better-quality development when compared to the original position and constraints of the site," said the planning officers.

"The new position of the dwelling will also seek to maximise solar gain, and through a range of sustainable design technologies such as solar panels, charging points for electric vehicles, rainwater harvesting, and improved air tightness, thus significantly enhance its sustainable design."

army and navy

Pictured: Neighbours who raised concerns can be assured their objections were "carefully considered".

The planning officers said they "carefully considered" the concerns raised about the demolition and redevelopment plans.

It was concluded that there will be potentially be "some additional shadowing effect over a relatively small area of the neighbours garden during the course of the morning" but that this would "not cause substantial enough harm to warrant refusal".

To compensate for this, planning conditions have been attached to the permission, stating that the boundaries must be agreed, and the wall to the west and south boundaries must reach the minimum height of 1.7m above ground level before anyone can move in.


Pictured: Planning permission was given earlier this month.

The current building is a former retail unit, currently being used for storage only.

It is a single storey flat roof building which sits on the corner of Retot Lane, which itself lies slightly inland from Vazon near the Albecq corner.

The Army and Navy Store closed around 20 years ago, and before that the building was known as the Albecq Store until the 1970s. 


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