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Someone has created a parody site filled with photos of migrants

Someone has created a parody site filled with photos of migrants

3 months ago

Someone has created a parody site filled with photos of migrants

3 months ago

Those navigating their way through will not be greeted with photos of plush rooms and snazzy swimming pools.

Instead of the usual hotel scenes, the parody website is showing pictures of immigrants in federal detention centres.

The site, which seems to satirise US President Donald Trump’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy, also features quotes from the man himself.

The president’s executive order, which saw parents separated from their children at the US-Mexico border, sparked fury and raised questions of morality and concern from Republicans about a negative impact on their races in November’s mid-term elections. website screenshot.
( screenshot)

According to CNET, domain name records show that the domain was registered on Wednesday and that the owner may have hidden his or her identity by registering through a proxy service.

The website’s disclaimer reads: “ is intended for entertainment, satirical, and political commentary purposes. It is an overt exercise of political speech, and it does not serve any commercial purpose.

“This site has no relationship to any commercial establishment or resort, it does not offer any similar products or services such as those provided by any commercial establishments or resorts.”

Trump has since signed another executive order, ending the process of separating children from families after they are detained crossing the US border illegally.

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