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Microsoft’s Christmas advert shows off the Xbox Adaptive Controller

Microsoft’s Christmas advert shows off the Xbox Adaptive Controller

10 months ago

Microsoft’s Christmas advert shows off the Xbox Adaptive Controller

10 months ago

Microsoft’s Christmas advert for 2018 focuses on the power of its Adaptive Controller, released earlier this year to make video games more accessible to those with disabilities.

The short film shows nine-year-old Owen, who has Escobar Syndrome – which limits his mobility, gradually being surrounded by his friends as he tries to beat the game he’s playing.

The advert also features Owen’s real-life best-friend Gunnar, Microsoft said.

“We watch as his friends gather to cheer him on as word spreads of his impending achievement,” Microsoft say of the video.

“The moment of joy experienced by the children celebrating together when Owen wins the game reminds us of the spirit of the holiday season and illustrates Microsoft’s overall mission to create accessible technology that levels the playing field and creates opportunity for all of us.

“Because, when everybody plays, we all win.”

The Adaptive Controller features a range of ports enabling users to plug in their own joysticks and other accessories to create a custom controller that suits them.

It also features two large, programmable buttons and was developed in partnership with several charities and foundations that work with people with mobility issues.

The £75 controller went on sale earlier this year and has already been widely acclaimed within the gaming industry, and has even featured as part of an exhibition on gaming at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.

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