Some video games have gone down in folklore for their intentional difficulty, but Twitter users have discovered a new contender for that crown – Trap Adventure 2.
Originally released in 2016, the mobile game is an 8-bit platformer in the style of the original Super Mario Bros, except it’s so devilish it appears to actively try to enrage players – and Twitter users are fascinated.
The game appears to be deliberately designed to anticipate the player’s next move, and ensure that something is in the way to make that move impossible.
Such is the confusing nature of the human psyche, there’s nothing most of us enjoy more than a seemingly impossible task, and that is exactly what Trap Adventure 2 offers.
Developer Hiroyoshi Oshiba’s description of the game on the App Store warns as much.
“Caution!! This may be the most hardest, irritating, frustrating game EVER. If you tend to exasperate often, I recommend you not play this game,” it says.
“It will literally drive you insane. I PROMISE. As written above, this game is VERY STRESSFUL.
“You may get so irritated and frustrated that you throw your phone out the window. I can’t take any responsibilities for the displeasure this game may cause. Even after reading this you are still eager to play the game, then go ahead. Good luck.”
If you’re still intrigued, the game is free to download from the iOS App Store, but it will cost 99p to unlock the ad-free version – which considering how often players die and are forced to sit through an advert – is probably worth it.
And for those who reach the full depths of despair while playing Trap Adventure 2, there are several videos to be found on YouTube showing full play-throughs, and how to make the end of the game.