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August 2017

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Avid Connect readers may remember that we promised to do something new in every edition of Connect this year - even though it should be at the forefront of innovation, the media business itself can often fall into the trap of ‘cranking the handle’ and just offering the audience what they have come to expect, month after month after month. 

We are still on track to deliver on that promise, and since August is a time when you just might tuck Connect into your hand- luggage - it’s lighter than a book, doesn’t need charging and can be used (rolled-up) to keep the kids in order - we thought we would offer you two new features this month.

You only have to step out of your front door on a weekend morning, or weekday evening, to realise that Jersey is actually one big leisure centre. There can be very few activities which don’t have an ardent local enthusiast, and many of them are corporate high-flyers who translate the competition in the board room to pushing themselves to exhaustion on the track, in the gym or on the water. And so this month, we are launching a new feature, in which Connect’s own fitness addict, Laura Morel, takes on one of these work warriors at their own game. You can read the results on page 44.

But the joy/pain of sporting exertion doesn’t cut it for everyone, so we also wanted to offer something a little more spiritual for those who find the antidote to work pressure hiding within something they can make, create, watch or experience. Welcome to Soul Food, our new focus on the arts, and creativity more generally, in Jersey (page 46). 

We are unrepentant to those who question why a business magazine should also feature sports and the arts. Surely business is also about passion, inspiration, dedication and perseverance? When the well of ideas has run dry, when a tight focus on solving a problem has morphed into stale tunnel-vision, where do you go to broaden and refresh your minds?

At this time of year many of us look up, stretch and take a wander down paths which we perceive we don’t usually have time for. And that’s often where we find something which gives meaning to everything else.

Now that’s a bit of a lofty aim, even for Connect (ahem). 

But for this month at least, why not try just having a wander, rather than your customary, purposeful stride towards a set goal? It’s much more refreshing. 

Enjoy Connect. 

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