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April/May 2023

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Sustainability is a key theme in our business and one we try to maintain as a team in our Guernsey office.

The majority of us are 'active travellers'. commuting by bike, bus, or foot most days. Packed lunches tend to arrive in clip-top jars, and we have almost daily discussions over the best 'yellow label' bargains at the supermarkets.

Our collective interest in sustainable living extends beyond buying the bargains and includes looking for seasonal ingredients, and those with low food miles. With the success of Guernsey's Soil Farm, we heard that could be getting easier to achieve, with the distance our food travels to reach our plates getting as short as possible without growing it yourself.

Our front cover team of Sasha and Jock, supported by their land army of helpers, are reaping the benefits of their years of hard work with bumper crops expected this harvest season. It seemed an opportune time to visit them.

Our reporter, Kit, spent a day there to find out how it works, before helping out on a scheme known as the Farmer Gym experience. It makes for a delightfully
appetising read, feeding my hunger on the topic nicely.

Sticking with the sustainable theme, Guernsey Electricity is telling us how we can power our lives for less. Simple choices like delaying our washing machines or dishwashers until our cheaper rate electricity kicks in will not only save us money, but help us save energy. What's not to like there?

Forward-planning is a key message from the new principal of The Ladies College, as the school celebrates its 150th anniversary. Read what Danielle Harford-Fox has to say about her first year in Guernsey in her own words in Unplugged.

With a special report on the ongoing dispute between the MSG and the GCRA, a coffee break with Martin Scott of Core Fund Services, and an in-depth chat with our charity partner, the Priaulx Premature Baby Foundation, we hope there'll be loads to keep you reading until our next edition.

Enjoy Connect.

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