04 April 2022: As one of its 15 resolutions to celebrate its 15th anniversary this year, Resolution IT has launched a Design A Gadget competition. They are encouraging school children in years 3-6 to design a gadget, explain what it does and why they invented it.
Tove Barnes, Resolution IT’s Marketing Executive, who has been visiting schools to launch the competition said: ‘It has been wonderful speaking to the children about this exciting competition and seeing their reactions. The students were full of questions and ideas about what they could invent. I can’t wait to see what their brilliant imaginations come up with!
‘We’ve got some great prizes lined up for the winners, as well as a donation to the school with the highest percentage of entries. All the details and an entry form to download can be found on our competition website which can be accessed through our social media channels. The deadline is 6 May and with the Easter holidays coming up, we’re hoping that gives everyone enough time to come up with some really great ideas.’