Wednesday 26 June 2024
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Last Thursday the GSPCA once again welcomed Dementia Friendly Guernsey

Last Thursday the GSPCA once again welcomed Dementia Friendly Guernsey

Thursday 13 June 2024

Last Thursday the GSPCA once again welcomed Dementia Friendly Guernsey

MEDIA RELEASE: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and not Bailiwick Express, and the text is reproduced exactly as supplied to us

Dementia Friendly Guernsey wants to encourage as many people as possible to take a local dementia awareness course and the GSPCA team attended a session of training thanks to Julie Bulpitt from Dementia Friendly Guernsey here at the GSPCA.

Dementia Friendly Guernsey kindly have run training sessions for the GSPCA in October 2017, February 2019, February 2020 and March 2023.
Once again including staff and volunteers were delighted to welcome Dementia Friendly Guernsey and all found the talk interesting, valuable and with our work in the community essential in giving them the understanding to help in circumstances where we may encounter those suffering with dementia.
Businesses and individuals can sign up to the 1-2 hour course to help identify and support people living with dementia. At the end of the course you are given a green badge to wear and a number of very useful handouts.
The session took place at the GSPCA with over 20 staff and volunteers taking part with Julie Bulpitt one of Dementia Friendly Guernsey’s volunteer trainers.
The GSPCA help and work with all levels of the community and the training provided by Dementia Friendly Guernsey was extremely beneficial to the team who all listened intently to the advice on how we can support and identify the those living with dementia.
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said “We would like to thank Julie from Dementia Friendly Guernsey for coming in last week to help provide training to the GSPCA staff and volunteers to help identify and support those living with dementia.”
“I personally have had a bereavement from a family member that suffered with dementia for many years and the talk really helped us all have a greater understanding of dementia.”
“24 hours a day 7 days a week we are working with the public from all walks of life and we all at the GSPCA strive to provide the best service we can and we really appreciate when we can work alongside other charities to exchange knowledge and training to help the Guernsey community.”
“All of the GSPCA team that took part in the Dementia Friendly Guernsey training really enjoyed and appreciated the time they took to come and speak to us about those with the challenges that any of us could face.”
“Please do get in touch with Dementia Friendly Guernsey or visit their website for more details.”
"We are always looking for trainers and speakers to come in and talk to the team and anyone interested please do get in touch."
“Even animals can suffer with similar symptoms of dementia and no matter if it’s a beloved pet or a member of family we must all do what we can to support those we love and care for and the community as a whole.”
“There are many other ways to support our work and this link has lots of great ideas .”
To find out more or to book your place on a dementia awareness course email:
To visit their website please go to
To see training courses run by the GSPCA please visit –

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