Georgia Winstanley, Amber Guillemet, Chloe Spruce and Amelia Potter all 13 years from St Sampsons High school have teamed together to create their company E-Cozy and want to raise money for two local charities.
With help from their Business Mentor Steve Ozanne and School Mentor Victoria Wallace they have decided for their Student Business Challenge that their aims and objectives are:
With this in mind E-Cozy are now selling products scented with herbs and rose petals to create a welcoming fragrance.
The products include:
The E-Cozy team have decided that a percentage of the sales will support Cancer Research and the GSPCA as "we are all animal lovers and would do anything to help, with Cancer research we thought that it would be helpful donating some of our profit towards people with cancer to help them".
Amber Guillemet said: “I have a black Labrador named Marley and 4 rabbits called Lucky, Ginger, Ronaldo and Bugsy and my favourite animal is a horse.”
Georgia Winstanley said: “I have a parsons jack Russell terrier called Nelson and my favourite animal is a hedgehog.”
Amelia Potter said: “I have a cat named Willow and my favourite animal is a dolphin.”
Chloe Spruce said: “ I have two cats named Timmy and Tocken and my favourite animal is a panda.”
Steve Byrne GSPCA Manager said: “It was lovely to meet two of the E-Cozy team last week when they dropped off a box of their goods which are now on sale at the Shelter.
“We are so thankful to the E-Cozy team for supporting the GSPCA through a donation made on the proceeds from their sales it really will help many animals lives at the Shelter.”
“There are lots of ways to support our work at the GSPCA and next week the GSPCA Purple Week starts and to help raise funds & celebrate 145 years for this week between Thursday 8th to Friday 16th February please visit .”
To visit their facebook page please go to
The locations of the products on sale are:
Hopefully Herm and Sark, Annette’s Hair Salon, GSPCA, Cancer Research
They are also selling the goods in town on Saturdays and Half term
To see ways you could help fund raise for the GSPCA please visit