On Monday 23rd October Mrs Louise Cripwell, wife of the Lieutenant Governor, Lieutenant General Richard Cripwell, will launch the Bright Tights Day campaign by hosting breakfast at Government House for some of the Bright Tights Committee Support Group.
Bright Tights day this year is on Friday 3rd November and the committee are encouraging workplaces, businesses and organisations to hold their own events to raise awareness of gynaecological cancers.
Mrs Cripwell said “I am very pleased to be able to host the Bright Tights Charity in this way as it is such an important topic. We all need to be aware of signs to look out for and to know about what we can do to prevent these cancers. We will be wearing our bright tights to show our support”
Chair of the Bright Tights charity, Dr Jo Le Noury added, “We are delighted that Mrs Cripwell offered to host our launch breakfast again this year. Bright Tights day is an important date in our calendar as it gives the opportunity to highlight the signs and symptoms of the five different gynaecological cancers and highlight the support we can offer to those who have been affected.
We are delighted to have several members of our support group join us today. The group is very active, meeting up regularly to chat and have fun doing a variety of activities from pottery painting to climbing. We also provide financial support to those having gynae cancer treatments and can range from support with cleaning services to helping with equipment or dental fees and heating costs.’
Further information and a downloadable pack for hosting a Bright Tights breakfast are on our website www.brighttights.org.gg and our helpline number is 07781 434550”