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New CISI President

New CISI President

Friday 07 October 2022

New CISI President

Friday 07 October 2022

The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment has appointed Ben Snook Chartered MCSI as President of the CISI Guernsey Committee.

Mr Snook (pictured) joined MJ Hudson’s Fund Administration team in November 2021 as an Associate Director as part of the senior management overseeing fund and ManCo operations in Guernsey.

As Chairman of the Guernsey Investment and Funds Association - Technical & Innovation Committee, he has been a participant in industry working groups, covering areas including cryptocurrencies, Market Abuse, MiFID II and Islamic Finance, amongst others.

Mr Snook has replaced former Guernsey CISI president Christopher Jehan Chartered FCSI.

Mr Snook said: “It is an honour to take over this esteemed position from Christopher and we thank him for his inspiration and leadership. I’m looking forward to working with the Guernsey committee to plan our events for the rest of the year, with a drive to increase our membership, sharing the benefits of becoming active and involved.”


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