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New Chair for Skipton International

New Chair for Skipton International

Monday 23 September 2024

New Chair for Skipton International

Monday 23 September 2024

Eric Barnett has been appointed as the new Chair of Skipton International, subject to approval from the Guernsey Financial Services Commission.

Mr Barnett is the former Group Chief Executive of SG Kleinwort Hambros Bank Ltd, Société Générale’s private banking and wealth management business in the UK, Channel Islands and Gibraltar.

He has had a career of over 35 years in financial services and Skipton says Mr Barnett will bring a wealth of experience to the role and company.

Gwyn Burr, Skipton Group Chair, said: ““I’m very pleased to welcome Eric as the new Chair of Skipton International. He joins us with impressive career experience spanning executive roles across financial services, together with first-hand knowledge and understanding of the Channel Islands.

“Eric’s experience and ability will further strengthen Skipton International and prove a valuable asset for the wider Skipton Group.”

Eric Barnett will join the Skipton International team this autumn, and he says he’s excited and looking forward to the new challenge “I am thrilled to be joining the team at Skipton International and returning to Guernsey. The business has great ambition, a growing leadership team, and strong values that are rooted in the island.

“I’m very much looking forward to working with the team to further build on all its success.”

Pictured top: Eric Barnett.

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