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CISI names new President

CISI names new President

Tuesday 13 August 2024

CISI names new President

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Daniel Ogier-Keltie ACSI has been announced as the Guernsey branch President for the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investments.

The CISI said it is pleased to announce his appointment, as he takes over from Ben Snook, Chartered MCSI, who previously led the committee for two years.

Mr Ogier-Keltie is a senior listings analyst in the wider international markets division at the International Stock Exchange. He has more than ten years of experience in the financial services sector, including asset custody services and investment portfolio management.

Now, as president of the Guernsey branch, he says he and his and fellow committee members are focused on supporting financial education and financial literacy in Guernsey by working with local organisations to promote these skills, particularly to school students and school leavers.

“It is a great honour to be made president, and I am excited to step in," said Mr Ogier-Keltie.

"Guernsey is one of the largest and most active branches of CISI and we are keen to develop our activities in 2024 and beyond. I thank Ben for his leadership through the turbulent times of the past few years. We appreciate the effort and time that Ben will continue giving to the branch.

“We’re committed to growing our membership base in Guernsey and encouraging a new generation of financial professionals to join our flourishing sector.”

Tracy Vegro OBE, CISI Chief Executive, welcomed Mr Ogier-Keltie's appointment.

“We are delighted to have Daniel as the new branch president and would like to thank the outgoing president, Ben, for all his hard work and great stewardship during his time. We look forward to seeing how the committee, under Daniel’s guidance, can encourage financial literacy. A topic which has been identified as being of growing importance amongst young people in the region.”

Pictured top: Daniel Ogier-Keltie.

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