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Sark school staff all quit

Sark school staff all quit

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Sark school staff all quit

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Sark's school needs to recruit new teachers after all of the island's teaching staff handed in their resignations.

The island has successfully recruited a new head teacher which was considered to be the most urgent vacancy to fill, but now has three teacher posts which need filling.

Two of those teachers and the Headteacher all tendered their resignation and will be leaving their posts at the end of this school year as per their contracts. The resignations all follow a critical review of education in Sark. The fourth teacher was on a one year contact and will be leaving the island at the end of that period. 

A spokesman for the island's Education Committee said steps are already in place to seek three replacements, as was the recommendation of the recent review of education. Conseiller Anthony Dunks confirmed the "Teaching Head position" has already been filled. The island's one teaching assistant is remaining in post. 

A number of other changes are also likely to be introduced at Sark School as it addresses a number of issues highlighted in the review, including the introduction of a Safeguarding Officer, Sarah Cullen, who will work with the school. A Director of Education is also to be appointed with Beverley Gates taking on the role of Interim Director of Education until December 2018, in a salaried role for one day per week. The role will include:

  • ensure the continued progress against the Education Review objectives, write the Education Policy and draft the Annual Develop Plan
  • enable the appointment of two teachers for September
  • provide support and guidance for the newly appointed Island Safeguarding Officer
  • provide continuity for the new Head of School and teaching staff team in September
  • provide guidance for the newly formed Interim and Full Board of Education, and to allow for suitable time to appoint a permanent Director of Education who can take the Islands Education Policy and Practice forwards into 2019. 

Sark's Director of Education will work with Guernsey officials to further the arrangements for young people aged 14-16 years to access education in Guernsey. There will also be consideration given to increasing the school leaving age in Sark from 15 to bring it into line with elsewhere. 

You can read the full details of the review of education and on plans for education in Sark here

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