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What do industry experts make of Google’s new phones?

What do industry experts make of Google’s new phones?

11 months ago

What do industry experts make of Google’s new phones?

11 months ago

Google’s new flagship smartphones have been met with a mixed reaction by industry experts.

The new Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL are the firm’s answer to Apple’s iPhone and Samsung’s Galaxy S and Note flagship devices.

However, James Barron, mobile expert from, said beyond the improved camera, the phones offered few crucial upgrades.

“Yes, the camera is amazing – and there are yet more technical ways to take the best selfies of your life first time,” he said.

Pixel 3

“But just like with iPhone and its excessive memory, is this Google needlessly improving something that already exceeds the needs of most, and splitting hairs to get what they consider a leading edge in tech that people understand, as opposed to inglorious tinkering under the hood.

“That said, the iPhone is lagging behind in this department and may start to feel the pinch for not prioritising this. Smartphone owners will only remain brand-loyal for so long before realising there are better alternatives on the market.”

In contrast, Ru Bhikha, mobiles expert at, said the power of the Pixel 3 camera would be the key feature for many smartphone enthusiasts considering upgrading.

“The handsets, like their predecessor, place the camera front and centre,” he said.

“These top-of-the-range shooters boast features like the new ‘Top Shot’ and ‘Color Pop’, with the former allowing users to capture photos at exactly the right time with its burst functionality.”

“The Pixel 3 XL is the choice for smartphone photography purists though, as the two front-facing cameras will ensure you get the best quality selfies.”

He added that the pricing of the two devices, well below that of the new iPhone XS range, could also entice in buyers.

“Interestingly, Google has not followed suit with other premium smartphone manufacturers this year, which have all released handsets which tip over the £1,000 budget.

“Instead, the Pixel 3 and XL shoot for premium specs but without the accompanying price tag.”

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